Broken hearts.
by thedarkknightess · 12 comments 8 years ago
rosebud · 8 years ago
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Sorry, I opened the chat before knowing exactly what to write in it! I read @fruit_salad 's post and idk it just hurts me to know that so many people are sad (like @carcinogeneticist etc). Do you wanna talk about it? Is there anything I can do?
rosebud · 8 years ago
No, I'm alright currently, but I appreciate the effort, and I bet other people do too.
deleted · 8 years ago
Are you sad, Darkknightess?
barneystinson · 8 years ago
Like when someone shoots at your heart?
spazz · 8 years ago
My grandpa, who lived in Dubai, always used to help me collect cool looking shells/stones when we were at the beach. A couple years ago, we found a really beautiful, shiny red pebble. I lost it, I thought I must have dropped it somewhere on my flight back to the UK. I got sent a photo a few months after I thought it was gone, apparently my grandpa got it made into a ring, after he got the pebble carved, which looked awesome. After that, we hadn't visited my grandfather in 5 years, my siblings and I were too caught up in our studies. Last year I attended his funeral, my grandpa distributed his wealth amongst his children, but left me that ring. It means more to me more than all of that money combined, I still remember that day as vivid as if it were a few hours ago when I stare at it.
spazz · 8 years ago
What saddens me is that it also reminds me of how I wasn't able to visit my grandfather one more time, before he passed.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
That was sad and beautiful
carcinogeneticist · 8 years ago
it really was
spazz · 8 years ago
Thanks guys :)
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Spazz, your story is so touching, also because I've been through something similar. My grandfather was my #1 fan, especially regarding school, he was hugely supportive and he kept saying he wanted to see me getting my degree before he died. My school's ceremony will be held in October and sadly he died in March. This is a quite awful period in my life because I really don't understand what I should do with my life and he was so wise... I miss him a lot. I understand how you feel, but I'm sure you tried your best!
spazz · 8 years ago
Sorry to hear of your loss, I hope things have gotten easier for you :(