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barbaragordon · 8 years ago
Heck yeah we will! It's actually a really nice one with a built-in cooler and cushioned seats with backs.
unicycle · 8 years ago
Whaaaaaat. Talk about luxury! If I had that nice of a canoe I might never go home!
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
I played trumpet In the backup band for a Beatles tribute band concert and got to meet George Harrisons sister :D
deleted · 8 years ago
Took my bike for a ride and I met a "gang" of bikers, we talked a lot and one of them gave me the gang's jacket and tagged my bike
They were cool as hell
infosubstance · 8 years ago
Y'all had so much more interesting days than I did, i'm glad they were all good, mightyoak, I think of myself as hufflepuff, but according to pottermore I am a gryffindor, unicycle, that seems amazing it is mind blowing how brave they are at everything, barbaragordon, I've never been canoeing but it seems really fun and i didnt even know canoes came with that kind of stuff, needmorec4 omg im jealous was she nice? and yukihaki, so you litterally joined a gang xD, (and when i first started reading I thought you meant bicycles and I was really confused), I fell asleep last night and I just woke up so my brain is still in zombie mode sorry if this was weird
infosubstance · 8 years ago
oh and I say sorry way too much, like I annoy people with it so please ignore it if I say it at a time where i dont have to or I've already said it like 15,000 times
deleted · 8 years ago
Ahah don't worry I do that a lot too
You seem like a cool guy, I like you
infosubstance · 8 years ago
thanks! :) you seem rad too (haha?)
infosubstance · 8 years ago
but seriously you seem like a coolio dude-io
deleted · 8 years ago
Wow, Flanders expressions, I like you even more
infosubstance · 8 years ago
well diddly dang you sure are making my day
deleted · 8 years ago
Ok infosubstareeno let's continue to do so
infosubstance · 8 years ago
y'all are so nice , I am so glad I joined
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
You're great m8 I'm glad you made an account. And when I said I "met" George Harrisons sister it was more just holding a door open for her, lol. But she seened really sweet at the show
infosubstance · 8 years ago
Hey you got *this* close to her, that is pretty cool itself! did she thank you?
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
No but idk she was prob tired and stuff. Shes 85 and in a wheelchair with some uniformed Butler-esque guy pushing her so I guess she's used to being taken care of, and it was late after a long show.
infosubstance · 8 years ago
oh well, you still held a door for her thats more than most can say
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
well it was homecoming at my school last weekend and i got to make out with my girlfriend a lot. so that was nice
infosubstance · 8 years ago
cool.. I think
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Hell yeah it was