betterthanyou · 8 years ago
All the newbies suck ass.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Not all. @infosubstance seems pretty chill.
infosubstance · 8 years ago
aww thanks rwby :) and I am a new user but I was a long time guest, theres also pidge he seems cool
rosebud · 8 years ago
Most of them suck
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
how fresh does one need to be to qualify as "newsubstance"
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
I've been here for years, but only about a year on this account.
infosubstance · 8 years ago
what was your old account?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
And just as a guest
xshadowxqueenx · 8 years ago
Yeah Haha thanks. Most of the posts are kinda bad so that explains it
thethirdi · 8 years ago
I'm still here
illflyifiwantto · 8 years ago
I've been here so long I've forgotten how long, maybe 4, and I've just started to realise that the regulars have really changed (I didn't pay much attention in the early days but I might vaguely remember your old account @fruit_salad )
wrong4 · 8 years ago
do i count as newsubstance
wrong5 · 8 years ago
do i count as newsubstance
betterthanyou · 8 years ago
You don't count as anything because you are insignificant.
infosubstance · 8 years ago
hey hey hey now, dont be mean,
rosebud · 8 years ago
well he can be. he's better than us.