grandma · 8 years ago
Well I was pretty good in my algebra and biology classes a while ago. Whatcha got, sweetie?
deleted · 8 years ago
I need to calculate the size of a specimen irl based on its length in millimeters in the given diagram
grandma · 8 years ago
Oh that's just conversions isn't it? I'm sure we can work it out :-)
deleted · 8 years ago
Well the formula given was [(length of critter in diagram)x(real field of view diameter)]/(field of view diameter in diagram)
grandma · 8 years ago
Alrighty, let's fill in the numbers then. How long is the diagram critter?
deleted · 8 years ago
6.36 mm
grandma · 8 years ago
And what field of view is it being seen under, myrtle?
deleted · 8 years ago
Low power objective lens. Its got a diameter of 2mm I think
grandma · 8 years ago
Okay, what's the real field of view diameter? Is that the diameter of the microscope lense?
deleted · 8 years ago
Yeah. Wait I got confused just a moment
grandma · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
So the real field of view is 2mm but in the diagram it's 32 mm
grandma · 8 years ago
So that's (6.36*2)/32
grandma · 8 years ago
Or ~0.398
deleted · 8 years ago
Okay...I think I can do the rest from there. Thank you granny!
grandma · 8 years ago
Glad I could help, dearie :-)