betterthanyou · 8 years ago
The Lethal Weapon movies are awesome. Grew up watching them with my brother.
deleted · 8 years ago
You should watch the show! It's so freaking awesome!
celticrose · 8 years ago
I have watched the first two episodes and they are entertaining, but I can already see the "Big Twist" that is coming where one, probably two characters are actually villians
deleted · 8 years ago
Which characters do you think are the villains?
celticrose · 8 years ago
The captain and Riggs fatgerinkaw, though I think he will probably be reluctant in whatever is going on
youwillhateme · 8 years ago
I've never seen the movies but the show makes me want to! Great show.
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Thank you dear little mermaid!!! <3 I'm going to watch it this week (if my exam goes well, hopefully) and let you know... Do you have any other shows to recommend?
deleted · 8 years ago
Sorry for the late reply but there is a really cool show called Lucifer!