deleted · 8 years ago
In my country it's nowhere near as big a deal, in fact if you do go trick-or-treating you'll most likely be ridiculed for acting like a little kid.
betterthanyou · 8 years ago
Free candy. Enough said.
celticrose · 8 years ago
Free candy, usually when the temperature finally starts cooling down and fun costumes
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Free candy,plus an excuse to cosplay without being judged.
youwillhateme · 8 years ago
Getting to dress up as your favorite character or person. Hopefully spending time with your friends. Candy for the younger ones. We've been taught it's a tradition, and like any tradition, we celebrate it whichever way we can.
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
Free candy as a child, an excuse to cosplay as an adult. Large ass bags of candy that, as an adult, you just HAVE to buy to be prepared for trick-or-treaters. And then left over candy for adults, and, the candy goes on sale the day after Halloween so it's a good time to stock up.
deleted · 8 years ago
You can steal candy from people, get fucked up at a party and wake up the next morning basically a zombie so there's that
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Or if you're like me,you can run around in a costume while your nieces trick or treat,meanwhile avoiding parties due to a lack of friends mixed with social anxiety :D
texasranger · 8 years ago
Americans love holidays thats consistent across every culture within the US. St. Patrick's day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. We love all of them. Its another excuse to not go to work, put things on sale, have sex, eat lots of food and get drunk.
otamega · 8 years ago
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
Spooky skeletons. Free candy. Universal Cosplay for a night. Horror movies/show/media to watch to get the chills down your spine. Shame it happens on one of the coldest nights before winter proper.
texasranger · 8 years ago
Come to Texas its still 60 degrees on Halloween. Though sometimes its in the 30s. You never know.
dukedom · 8 years ago
It's one of the only holidays that everyone can enjoy. Little kids can go get candy, teenagers can trick or treat and/or go to parties, adults can party or stay home and hand out treats... it's not a family centred holiday or only for couples. Just fun and treats, I've always loved it
rosebud · 8 years ago
well for me I moved away from my old school years ago and I get to use it as an excuse to hang out with my old friends just because I can
You can't do that on Arbor Day or thanksgiving or Christmas or Hanukkah or the other one because everyone's doing shit with their own families