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majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
Explain please
chu · 8 years ago
I learned of the thing called "shovel dog"
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
Should I ask what that is?
chu · 8 years ago
Basically a dog being beat to death with a shovel with audio
chu · 8 years ago
And the noise it makes isn't even a yell or bark. It's more like a squeak.
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
OMG... What kind of dick muncher would do yhat
chu · 8 years ago
A chinaman
chu · 8 years ago
You think I'm being racist or "classic chu" but I'm serious. It's a chinaman.
infosubstance · 8 years ago
my neighbors believe that beating dogs is the best way of showing negative reinforcement, if their dog takes 2 steps out of their yard it is beaten (luckily not too bad a couple hits but still any beating is bad) and I can hear the dog crying for help, animal control has been called on them but they did nothing, I wrote a narrative on it last year for english class. But they are also druggies and dont take care of anything including their house and yard, it is so disgusting, If I were one of the dogs I would be trying to escape too. It is the saddest and maybe one of the most horrifying sounds in the world.
sorry for long sad comment
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
That honestly makes me sick to my stomach. One of the things that strikes me about human arrogance is the profound belief some have that they are above all forms of life, simply because they can be the most cruel.
deleted · 8 years ago
Things like this answers my question "Why do people murder?"
deleted · 8 years ago
Never going to Middle East.
Best to nuke the place
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
It's hard to find an opposing argument to that statement when I read these articles. As if they didn't have a bad enough rap stuff like this happens.
sassysquatch · 8 years ago
@infosubstance Steal the dog and say you found it
infosubstance · 8 years ago
can't, they scare me and they would know ( I live right next to them) plus my dog is a brat and wouldn't like having another dog in the house, I have considered it but I am nice to the dogs when I see them and give them lots of love and treats. They are being evicted soon, so hopefully where ever they go next there will be someone who will help. I forgot to add that they have an actual reason for beating one of the dogs (not that it makes it right) one of the dogs bit someone a while back and was going to be put down, so they used their negative reinforcement to show it that biting wasnt nice, but the dog is very friendly now so I dont understand why they still hurt it
nightmaredragon · 7 years ago
I know this was a week ago and I hope I don't come across rude but negative reinforcement is when you take away a negative stimuli. Like say you want to teach an animal to push a button. The animal is being shocked but when it pushes the button the shock stops, rinse and repeat that and said animal would soon realize that pushing the button stops the shock. Thus learning through negative reinforcement. I believe that experiment, if not, a similar one was done by Skinner.
infosubstance · 7 years ago
Ok I get that and I know negative reinforcement is necessary, but abusing your dog so forcefully that your neighbors can hear it crying, I don't get
nightmaredragon · 7 years ago
Neither do i, they just sound like terrible people. What they're doing is not negative reinforcement was what I meant, just abuse. It's also not necessary, positive reinforcement works just as well which is introducing a positive stimuli such as a treat when they do the desired action.
infosubstance · 7 years ago
Exactly and a firm NO or GO LAY DOWN is fine, doesn't hurt the dog, just lets them know that what they were doing is not ok, a shock collar might be okay depending on the situation but they pick up verbal cues just as fast and it has basically the same effect