tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
I count to ten, then decide upon whether I need to count to a hundred. After that, I decide to see if I can just punch a cushion or something.
deleted · 8 years ago
I've been throwing rocks at trees while listening to metal music and contemplating if burning my homework would be worth it.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
I sometimes zone out and think about shit that would probably get me arrested if I actually did it. Thankfully it only happens when I'm half asleep
Plus sometimes it leads to some deep realizations
Not usually tho
boneheadsans · 8 years ago
Every couple days. I found it best to constantly keep yourself distracted.
deleted · 8 years ago
I should be on medication for the "tendencies" that I have, the urges that I want to pursue are more than wrong, but they're a part of me, as my therapist says my thoughts are aggressive and harmful towards others but I can't help it my mind slips into this weird world where everything I think about doing is a possibility, I can achieve the ideas I have, and those are just the thoughts and feelings I tell him, mentally I'm fucked, drawing helps, being distracted with homework also but eventually my thoughts catch up with me, it's weird tho, these ideas I have seem like something a completely different person would have, but it's all me, every last bit of anger and resentment, I go beyond a dark place, when I really think, my mind goes to hell, I don't know man that's just me, this site helps out a lot, I mean I'm happy here so there's that
rosalinas · 8 years ago
If by 'fucked places' you men at my dreams
Then yes, I go there very often
I'm scared for my life
But dreams are just dreams right
They mean nothing
Right... *sweats nervously*
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
last time my baby cousin came over i zoned out for like 10 minutes and imagined me swinging her around like what the hulk did to loki. and lately ive had a lot of rage so im kinda scared
deleted · 8 years ago
every. day.
jade · 7 years ago
I know I'm late but all the time
boneheadsans · 7 years ago
So im getting a therapist
deleted · 7 years ago
I've had one for a while at this point
deleted · 7 years ago
I've been trying to get an appointment with mine. We're having trouble coordinating schedules