rosebud · 7 years ago
Last night I had two dreams. my first one was about how I lived in a town that was specifically divided between the sides of racism in the 60s. like literally one side of the street was where black people lived and the other side was where only white people lived. And I was biracial. So whenever I was on one side of the street i looked completely different. I had different clothes and everything. but then when you crossed back to the other side the outfit would completely change. It was scary. I didn't like it.
But I want to write about it.
rosebud · 7 years ago
in my second dream it was this weird anime thing that takes place in the future. there was this weird Japanese commercial that came on and it would impregnate the TV remote through the TV screen. what the fuck.
so at the end of my dream my remote was set to go intro labor at any second so I handcuffed the remote to my fucking wrist and right before it was going to give birth I woke up and I was like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT
geluregis · 7 years ago
The first one, perhaps your psyche is telling you something. Changing clothes is like changing personalities. The second one is a prophecy.
Anyways, I had this one dream long ago. We were in Italy, and I was framed for stealing a trophy(which sort of looked like a gold painted staircase post) from the Louvre (which is apparently in Italy in the dream). I don't remember the sequence of events, but at one point, there was a car chase with The Butcher (from Word Girl) appearing out the back of the van in front of us, but I guess we were also looking out the back of a van? Anyways, the dream ends as they find the trophy planted in my room, and my hands and feet are shackled as I'm taken out of another van to prison.
deleted · 7 years ago
I remember this one dream where I was in a simple room.
Me, a book, and a pencil.
The book only said "Write."
So I did, except I had no idea what I was writing because of my blurry dreams.
However, the more I wrote, the darker the room became.
The words took shape...of something.
It resembled a person.
The dream ended with the words flying out of the book, the person walking towards me in a deep black abyss.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Pease make a horror movie out of this