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deleted · 7 years ago
Wow ... Sorry to say that but, your husband was a total asshole to say that
deleted · 7 years ago
That's ok. I know it was...
metalman · 7 years ago
Sounds like a dick to me
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
Dear peachy, you're so nice and I'm very sorry to hear what happened! If you need someone else to talk to or just to rant over everything, pleasepleaseplease e-mail me, ok? Just do it, whenever you like: [email protected]
I know I'm not much, but give me a try. I've never known your husband before, but I've seen that sick people can often be(come) the most selfish, ungrateful and mean individuals to ever walk this planet. Don't forget that. In certain cases it's just a matter of "assholeness", undoubtedly. Sometimes, though, they do it because of that famous survival instinct: their problems are more important than anybody's, they think, and if you try to show them that you also have issues they'll minimize them immediately, because they are afraid that you won't take care of them properly. I really hope you can talk to him and fix this!!! Lots of love and hugs
deleted · 7 years ago
Thank you sweety. Xxx
deleted · 7 years ago
You can have mine too: [email protected]
deleted · 7 years ago
Thank you. X
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Did you say you didn't want to bother me?
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah cus I know you're hella busy
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Aw shucks, thanks
deleted · 7 years ago
Have mine I know I'm late but still [email protected]
deleted · 7 years ago
Thank you sweety. Xxc
sassypotter · 7 years ago
Bloody hell peachy, you don't deserve that!
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah it sucks :/
sassypotter · 7 years ago
How is it today?
deleted · 7 years ago
It's all ok today :)
sassypotter · 7 years ago
I'm glad! Has he apologised or anything?
deleted · 7 years ago
Nope :/ I've done an Elsa and let it go lol
sassypotter · 7 years ago
Don't take all her advice. Don't "conceal, don't feel, don't let them know"
deleted · 7 years ago
Too late I've become a pro lol