Anything you want..
by deleted · 44 comments 7 years ago
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rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol it was a reference not an original thought but okay
Kitty kitty on a titty
Kitties kitties on titties
Now I'm thinking about titties
deleted · 7 years ago
Rose there is nothing wrong with thinking about lovelys
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Well yeah that's true but I don't need to be goin into pervert mode over some tits at the moment
deleted · 7 years ago
Pervert mode
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol yes pervert mode
Most people have a pervert mode
Don't deny it :P
deleted · 7 years ago
I'm gonna deny it
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
But why
Why deny pervert mode
deleted · 7 years ago
For the sake of argument?
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Ohhh okay
Pervert mode exists tho
Tis a fact
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
*Is stalking*
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol hi ew
Feel free to stalk bc I'm not saying anything interesting anyways
deleted · 7 years ago
What's up dr
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Not much, just Ewing around
deleted · 7 years ago
I can respect that
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
How does one "ew" around exactly?
deleted · 7 years ago
Pervert mode?
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Pervert mode and "ew"ing around have no connection I assure you
Pervert mode is its own independent thought process
deleted · 7 years ago
And you would know wouldn't you rose?
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Yeah :D
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
*Lenny face*