Ey lads, need your help with something.
by deleted · 19 comments 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
Looking to lose a bit of flab, mostly around the belly area. I already eat pretty healthy, so I was just wondering what's the optimal exercise method to burn off the fat. I was thinking along the lines of regular jogging, but I'll welcome any advice you fit people have. Thanks bruv
deleted · 7 years ago
Also, just for some background info, I'm a male teenager. thanks again
deleted · 7 years ago
If you just want to lose some belly, sit ups a really nice and pretty effective, do like 15/20mn in the morning everyday
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Crunches. Lots of crucnches.
rosalinas · 7 years ago
Crunching is how I got abs
My pretty abs...
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Use a knife. I heard it works great!
deleted · 7 years ago
Oh, really? Never actually thought of that. Well, thanks folks.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
No prob
chu · 7 years ago
Random fact, you do have muscles but they're hidden by the fat. Thus your solution shouldn't be building muscles, it should be losing fat. Do what you will with the fluff I just spewed.
deleted · 7 years ago
Depending on the amount of flab you'd like to use, cardio could actually be better for getting rid of it. While crunches and sit ups will help give you muscles, sometimes we need cardio to unveil them. Walking, jogging, running, jumping jacks, jump rope...and of course eating healthily
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Or. You could just use a knife
deleted · 7 years ago
Knife is messy. And wouldn't you also want to use a vacuum hose if you used a knife? That's a lot of work
eternal1 · 7 years ago
jack off a lot.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
btw serious note: crunches build muscle but dont burn much fat. essentially ur abs end up pushing ur belly fat out and make u look fatter.
deleted · 7 years ago
@eternal1 really? what would you recommend instead then?
eternal1 · 7 years ago
muscle building when u have fat basically makes u look fatter. u need to get rid of the fat first. so, diet and running. u may eat healthy but ur portions may be too much. and for the running, make sure u sweat a fuck ton.
deleted · 7 years ago
Alright, thanks man
eternal1 · 7 years ago
mikerotch · 7 years ago
You should know that spot fat removal is a myth. Jogging is best for fat loss, but ut must be done in conjunction with a healthy diet. Good luck!