rwby_rose · 7 years ago
It's not unjustified at all. If someone doesn't care enough to genuinely apologize,you shouldn't care enough to genuinely forgive them.
deleted · 7 years ago
Thank you. It's such a dumb thing to be upset about but I've been having a and week and this was just one thing I didn't want to let slide, but the only apology I got was "Fine then I'm sorry." and now I just feel so sick of everyone.
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
I'm sorry that that happened to you. Honestly,I'm not sure if that's someone you should keep around. I mean,if you want to,you could just let it slide (being angry towards someone for too long is NOT a good thing) or you could explain how the "apology" made you feel and try to make the other person understand. But no matter what you do,I'm here for you.
deleted · 7 years ago
Well she's my sister and kind of always a bitch. I can't really avoid her at family events because my dad always insists on inviting everyone. She just....doesn't seem to care about hurting people's feelings. But I really appreciate your support. You're one of the few people I feel like I can genuinely count on.
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
I'm sorry that you can't avoid her. Honestly it's just better to move on. If she doesn't care about hurting people's feelings,then she's probably got some shit of her own to sort out. I personally pity people like that. Hurting people hurt people,y'know? And as for the support: I'm always happy to help. You can always count on me,I promise.
mikerotch · 7 years ago
Its not unjustified. But in the end unforgiveness hurts no one but yourself. So forgive, but never forget the douches name.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
the part where you fucked up is when u told someone they hurt your feelings. thats a sign of weakness and nobody respects weak people