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majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I'm getting really mad tho
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Yeah... Sometimes I take a break, play with play doh (just kinda rub it in my hands; make sure to wash with cold water after) and go back to drawing. Or I look at pictures of what I'm trying to draw and sketch it on another sheet of paper. Once I'm satisfied with what I can create outside of the final drawing, I attempt again.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I really want to rip out a baby's dick right now
silvermyth · 7 years ago
So make a play doh dick and rip it. Just don't let anyone catch you.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Oooo I never thought of playing with play doh. No that I think of it play doh does make me relaxed
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Makes the hands relaxed too. Gives the wrists a break from the constant movement in drawing. The fingers get a change, also.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I'll make a dick and I'll post it so you can see I didn't rip any real baby dicks
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Sounds cool.@ me!
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I will XD
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
So it happened again....
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
But this time I'm doing a portrait of myself and I can't draw my nose
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Here we go again
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
It's been 3 days of drawing it and I only have like 4 lines XD
silvermyth · 7 years ago
So what is your problem? Is it that you are drawing and then all of a sudden you have no wil to draw?
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
No I have the will to draw it's just I can't draw
silvermyth · 7 years ago
What I mean is, you want to draw, but when you hover your hand over the paper, you can't force yourself to draw a line.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I, too, know that feel.