by deleted · 27 comments 7 years ago
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rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Ahh okay
Congrats on kicking his ass btw xD
deleted · 7 years ago
Oh thank you, I'm quite good at it
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol niiice
So which are ya better at: kicking ass,or art?
deleted · 7 years ago
I don't want to know the answer to that question
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Well whichever you're more passionate about is probably the answer
deleted · 7 years ago
I like kicking ass, and I also love art, so I'm just gonna kick ass at art
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Good enough!
Lol wish I was good at kicking ass
I'm too cute for ass kicking :p
deleted · 7 years ago
Being cute gives you an advantage, they'd never suspect it, besides, you got a fire in you rose even I know that
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Yeah well that fire is called anger issues and it's generally frowned upon xD
deleted · 7 years ago
It makes me smile
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol well you have yet to witness it personally
Trust me
If I get angry enough I get violent
Which is very frustrating bc I'm too weak to damage anything
deleted · 7 years ago
We all get violent rose
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
I suppose. Doesn't make it any less frustrating tho. It's why I like art. It helps me put all that frustration onto paper,and create something productive.
deleted · 7 years ago
yea art helps a lot, it gets you away form the real world even for at least five minutes
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Also applies to the internet
And gaming I'm sure
But I'm not a gamer so idk
deleted · 7 years ago
I wouldn't consider myself a gamer anymore, I rarely play anything, but I used to, when I was young and wanted to get away from it all
deleted · 7 years ago
It kept me from thinking about all the problems I had
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Makes sense. Anyway: I'm outta shit to say that relates to this subject. Wanna talk about something else?
deleted · 7 years ago
Actually I have to go, but tomorrow when I have comments, I'll make sure to drain yours fast :p
rwby_rose · 7 years ago
Lol good cuz I gotta sleep anyway
See you tomorrow ^-^