deleted · 7 years ago
Why are you so stressed ?
chu · 7 years ago
In the span of ten days:
5 tests
two lab reports
normal homework load
getting back tests I did earlier that I find I didn't do so hot on which is rather depressing
a chance to redo a test for an extra 5.5% which I don't quite need but I really should get considering the rest of my classes are probably fucked and I'll likely need that small GPA bump
trying to get a club together
trying to arrange a time to get started on a research opportunity because it's been dragging on for almost two months now
and I sneezed so hard I got a bloody nose and now I have to clean my laptop
chu · 7 years ago
And I'm only six days into this ten day gauntlet
deleted · 7 years ago
Cheesus, that's a lot.
Well, I hope you can find something relaxing to help you out
chu · 7 years ago
Procrasturbating and mirder and funsubbing seem to do just fine
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
chu · 7 years ago
If I start then I'm going straight to heroin and crystal meth. I have a very addicting personality.
rosebud · 7 years ago
try chewing nicotine gum
chu · 7 years ago
No thanks. I think I'll stick to herpes for now and see where that gets me.