Hi there, you wanna talk about something?
by deleted · 79 comments 7 years ago
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majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Oh that sucks
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Folk. What's new?
deleted · 7 years ago
I can't tell you without rose getting mad, but I did get dumped so there's that
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
that sucks alot of dick. sorry bro
deleted · 7 years ago
Woah no need for that rose she's like the coolest person I know, she was amazing
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Hope you dont mind but why'd you brake up then?
deleted · 7 years ago
We just didn't work out, she couldn't handle some issues that life has put into our lives and honestly I don't blame her ,she's been so brave but sometimes people crack, and it sucks and it still hurts but I can't hate her
deleted · 7 years ago
What about you my majestic friend what's new with you besides the house
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Nothin just the same old loner
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Wait not true I have a cool cadet thing in a week (I think) that is broadcast across the country and in probably gonna get picked to do the most important thing
deleted · 7 years ago
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
And you rwby?
deleted · 7 years ago
Rose that's sad
deleted · 7 years ago
Two? You're a player rose
deleted · 7 years ago
I don't think I could ever be in one of those, it would emotionally crush me knowing I'm sharing someone I love
deleted · 7 years ago
Yea but I plan on dating to marry, I just hope I can make it with the person I fall for but if we share with other people it would be hard to try and marry them, but that's just me
deleted · 7 years ago
Yea but still marriage has always been something I want
deleted · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago