by majestic_yumps · 18 comments 7 years ago
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
So there's this cute girl in my art class who's like a 7/10 with her 5 pounds of make up. But I bet she's a 10/10 without make up. How do you tell a girl to stop wearing so much make up without her slitting your throat?
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Does she know you think she's cute?
I don't think you should tell her directly unless you two are good friends. If you two hang out in the same group of people maybe find some way to bring up talk about what a shame it is when a pretty girl hides her natural beauty with a ton of makeup (look directly at her as you say it). Or be a cheese ball and compliment her makeup then tell her you bet she'd look good(maybe better) without it as well.
Caution: without knowing what she's like this advice may result in getting your throat slit (jk)
deleted · 7 years ago
Ohhhhhh dear...This is tricky. If you don't know her well you can't really say anythinh
deleted · 7 years ago
I used to know a girl like that. She caught on after a while. But it was through othwr girls
deleted · 7 years ago
The best thing you can so I think is compliment her on something she just her eye colour or her beautiful smile.
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I kinda know her We've talk a few time she's funny and all that good stuff but I'm not really good around other people let alone a cute girl but I can tell she likes me and if things start happening I don't really want to go out with some one who wears five pounds of makeup, And I really wanna keep my throat intact
unicycle · 7 years ago
It's this simple: if you don't want to date someone who wears a lot of makeup, then you don't want to date her. Sure, you can find some convoluted way to tell her she could wear less, but that'll most likely upset her. Chances are she's absolutely aware of how much makeup she wears (she is the one applying it after all), and she has her own reasons for wanting to wear that amount. You have to decide whether you like her enough to have it not bother you.
deleted · 7 years ago
Also: remember the fact that she's wearing makeup for herself not for anyone else. I do have to agree with @unicycle on this one. If you don't want to go out with someone who wears a lot of makeup, then don't date her and move on. OR you'll have to just learn to accept it. If you really like her the fact that she wears a lot of make up shouldn't bother you really.
barbaragordon · 7 years ago
Just wait and see if the conversation ever comes around to makeup, and ask how she does hers. Just let the conversation progress naturally, and see what happens. Just don't expect her to change for you or anyone, and be happy for whatever she decides.
deleted · 7 years ago
Babs' advice is good advice. If you can't accept advice from Batgirl then you can't accept advice from anyobet
deleted · 7 years ago
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Thanks for the help!
planke · 7 years ago
How do you know she looks better without makeup? Have you seen her without makeup?
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Cuz she looks like a person who looks good without makeup. Unless she has a face cancer then I don't see her looking bad
geluregis · 7 years ago
It's entirely likely a good number of people have already told her that she looks better without makeup on
silvermyth · 7 years ago
She might wear makeup to hide her natural beauty
rosalinas · 7 years ago
Wait ajd try to run into her when she doesnt wear makeup and ask all surprised
Be like 'woah you look amazing I mean you always look great but I didn't really expect you would look this even greater natural'
Or something like that
rosalinas · 7 years ago