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jade · 7 years ago
I've been following this for a while before I had something to say... People are going to disagree with me, but, I think that racism against Caucasians is growing in the entertainment industry especially.
jade · 7 years ago
I wish that people would realize we have to put the past behind us to strive for equality right now.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
There isn't any such thing as reverse racism, because it's just called racism.
rosebud · 7 years ago
"This reverse racism is real"
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah. Because reverse racism refers to people who are priviliged claiming someone who comes from a non privileged background has racially excluded/assualted/etc. Them. I hate to even tag him, but @funsubstanceuser knows what I'm talking about, even though he'll claim reverse racism isn't real ._.
funsubstanceuser · 7 years ago
"White man, you're just starting to get the blues." Technically that's not reverse racism by the way because it comes from a majority and is directed to a minority.
On what whiney white americans refer to as "reverse racism" - that's really bullshit. Here's why: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/reverse-racism-isnt-a-thing_us_55d60a91e4b07addcb45da97
deleted · 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear what you went through, that really sucks. This is racism, pure and simple. Or if people want to be petty and say "it can't be racism because white people weren't oppressed" then it is severe discrimination!!!
funsubstanceuser · 7 years ago
Yea, those three exclamation marks really prove your point.
Racism is soooo much more than disliking someone. You are right: a lot of black people generally don't like white people, for bad and stupid reasons maybe. But as long as this has no effect on white people except some awkward feeling, then its not racism. Does the disapproval of another race influence their job career, their education and their housing? No? Then its not racism. There. Is. No. REVERSE. Racism. Exclamation Mark Exclamation Mark Exclamation Mark.
What isuckballs described above IS "normal" racism.
deleted · 7 years ago
I never said REVERSE racism. I just said racism.
Definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
deleted · 7 years ago
Which also implies that the opposing race inferior.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
@banana Read my comment after the original. I changed it.
"There isn't any such thing as reverse racism, because it's just racism"
deleted · 7 years ago
@funsubstanceuser but I was taught that racism can only come from a place of privilege? So is it still racism. Because white people of SA techincally still hold a lot of the wealth and since my parents own a business. Does it not mean I come from a place of privilege meaning that it is not "racism" per say? But it is racial discrimination for sure.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
dude in south africa there are a bunch of people trying to ban goddamn science cuz it's 'racist'. why would you want to provide entertainment to such animals anyway. gtfo of there and come to a civilized European country, Canada, or the USA
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah thats fucked. And you don't know how it's infecting black youth here man. A kid got stabbed for posting a facebook comment that disagreed with the girl in the video.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
just let those cunts go back to chucking spears and self segregating themselves and fucking restarting slavery. those dumb bastards.
rosebud · 7 years ago
I don't believe in reverse racism; just good old equal racism for everyone.
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Totally off topic (sorry) but what do you go by? Like your DJ name? Curious about your tunes :) I love some of the stuff that comes out of SA
deleted · 7 years ago
DJ Rubix Tune
klymaxx · 7 years ago
I dig it! :^)
aeacus · 7 years ago
Racism comes from privilege? So what about two races who have little to no privilege are racist towards each other? Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.