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silvermyth · 7 years ago
myballsitchstill · 7 years ago
Why is it that people can't just not have sex? Children are one of the consequences of sex, so why are people just doing what they want and avoiding the consequences.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
*also applauds* yay intelligent conversation
ruinedeffect · 7 years ago
Look. I'm asexual. Therefore, I'm not gonna have sex, but most people are allosexual meaning that they're gonna have sex. Just not having sex is not normal for most people
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I'm going to weigh in here. I like to play Devil's advocate, so here's something else to consider. While I understand that the woman is the one carrying the child, it still takes 2 to tango. Why is it the father seems to have no say in the future of a potential child when he is equally as responsible (assuming consensual sex) for the reason that child is growing in the womb? The father doesn't have any say during the pregnancy but he is expected to step up the second that baby is born. What if the father is able to care for this child on his own? Why should we allow the mother to purposefully end the life of a child just because SHE can't take care of it?
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
Also, while I agree that we shouldn't just avoid having sex to prevent pregnancy, but contraception is very accessible. Hormonal birth control is covered by many health insurances(to my knowledge), anyone can buy condoms and there is the Plan B emergency contraceptive available over th3 counter. While the costs for these items can seem expensive, it's much cheaper than caring for a child for at least 18 years.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
These forms of contraceptive are all 98-99% effective if used correctly. A lot of you may argue "what if the condom breaks?" Its extremely unlikely for it to fail, especially if you use more than 1 form of contraception. Just because she's on birth control, doesn't mean you don't have to use a condom. Be as safe as possible. I actually use to be pro-choice, but then I found out how abortions are performed. Particularly for 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, I think it's inhumane to end a life that way. I can see the argument for 1st trimester abortions in the cases of rape and endangering the life of the mother. But it don't think it is okay to use abortion as a form of birth control just because you didn't want to be responsible and use contraception.
sammiek · 7 years ago
I'm pro-life.
deleted · 7 years ago
@nerdsarecool1212 the reason why men generally don't get a say in whether a woman carries the baby to term or not is because:
1) she's the one carrying the child, sacrificing her body and possibly her life.
2) for many many years women were forced to become pregnant with babies they didn't want because men said it was their job to have children.
I think if a woman gets pregnant through consensual sex and she doesn't want to keep the baby, there should be an option for the man who got her pregnant to take full responsibility for the child during her pregnancy and after the baby is born in which after the birth the baby can be signed over to the father and the mother can relinquish all responsibility for the child.
deleted · 7 years ago
In the end, if a man and woman have consensual sex and it results in pregnancy both parties should talk about it as, as you rightly said, it takes two to tango and it seems that it should just be common courtesy to share information of such importance with the equally responsible party.
deleted · 7 years ago
And with the whole abstinence thing...nah. Rather than just "not having sex" how about just pull out? Woman can't get pregnant if the man doesn't cum inside her vagina. They could always just cum or them or she could take it in her mouth etc etc. There are other options.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
@peachypersimmon You sound a little sarcastic, but in case you're being dead serious, the pull-out method is one of the least effective forms of contraception.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I hoped it wouldn't come to this.
deleted · 7 years ago
No I wasn't being sarcastic, just giving other options. I know it's not the most effective contraception and I'd never tell someone to use solely just that method. I meant using it along side condoms and the pill or other contraception.
deleted · 7 years ago
I really am against it. The world seems to now glorify sex as if it's amazing and we should fuck who we want and when we want. I disagree. Abortions are not 100% safe. I know a family friend who had an abortion at a young age. When she tried having a baby again, she fell pregant but it died months after birth and doctors claimed that her previous abortion may have had something to do with it. I feel like we should make porn less accessible, and stop glorifying sex, that way we'll be less focused on stupid shit like fucking people and solve problems.
needmorec4 · 7 years ago
im not religious but im pro life. I see it as killing a baby, though i do understand how awful it can be for rape cases etc but thats probably a small minority of abortions. I think abortions should only be allowed in extremely specific cases but there should be better government help or organizations to help women pay for the pregnancy etc.. Too many babies have died because people are irresponsible.
deleted · 7 years ago
What he said ^
solanaceae_feline · 7 years ago
I think it's a matter of opinion whether you believe the aborted fetus is a human being, so there's no right answer
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Law and religion both state that a baby isn't a human being until it takes its first breath... So that's a thing. I am pro life until a fetus has some form of conciousness, then it gets tricky and situational. But at the end of the day I believe in body autonomy and that right should extend to every situation.
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Sorry, pro choice I meant