signofcrashtest · 7 years ago
It really depends on your current situation. If you're short on cash and have the time, I don't think two jobs would be a bad idea.
metalman · 7 years ago
Im in school from 8am-1pm and currently work 3pm-9pm. With this new job I'll be working 3:30pm-12am. I'll be going from $8/hr to $14/hr. I really despise my current job. Normally id put my two weeks in but honestly they have such a high turnover rate as is and i just don't like it.
signofcrashtest · 7 years ago
Financial stability is important, but education comes first. If you take upon the new job, I don't think you'd have time to study and sleep. Even more so, you wouldn't have any free time. It seems to me that you are too worried about having enough money for all your needs. If you think you can handle the new job, then go on ahead. Just remember that you can always rely on family or friends to help you out in a pinch.
I would suggest finding a better job with more ideal hours, but I doubt you'd be able to find anything better.
Anyway, I'm not nearly mature enough to have a complete understanding of "adult" troubles. If you truly need help, ask someone with more experience, because I'm afraid I have very little.
signofcrashtest · 7 years ago
And if you really can't work at your current job, I would quit. I'm just saying it could be risky.
metalman · 7 years ago
I get ya, I'll be done with school entirely in February and i can get out five weeks early if i have a job so in January/December i can be done with school entirely. Itll be just a couple of months of this then just straight work from there
signofcrashtest · 7 years ago
Well, hopefully everything works out okay.
metalman · 7 years ago
Thanks mate have a good one