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deleted · 7 years ago
Do it in a bathroom, I've done something similar to that but I used a bandana to choke them for a few seconds
silvermyth · 7 years ago
There's always the mechanical pencil trick.
deleted · 7 years ago
What's the mech pencil trick?
eternal1 · 7 years ago
stab them. ive done that before
eternal1 · 7 years ago
with the pencil
silvermyth · 7 years ago
No, you hide a needle in the eraser.
deleted · 7 years ago
One has a ponytail i could staple his hair to a wall
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Okay as much as you guys seem to be really keen on using violence, and sure it may work but I don't think that's much of a long term solution. All they want from you is a reaction, cause that's where they get their kicks, to see someone in pain or lower then them. I don't think violence is going to work (but it's up to you to solve it) and it's not going to make you look "cool", especially if they know how to fight. If you do something wrong, such as the neck grab you could potentially paralyse them and you DO NOT want to do that. In my opinion talk to a teacher, use your true friends to back you up or completely ignore them. If you don't show any reaction they'll get bored. but it's up to you
eternal1 · 7 years ago
use scissors and snip their balls off lmao
deleted · 7 years ago
Actually, that might work.
I do react a lot(almost comically) to their "jokes". Maybe if I continually ask things like, "I don't get it. Can you explain?" or "Not getting the joke here. Can you repeat it?" because whenever you repeat or explain jokes, they lose their initial humor and edge.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Good plan (not eternal's) but yours. Try that and if it doesn't work I can suggest some more things. Just remember that if you say that stuff they'll probably retort with things like "you're stupid" or "you're an idiot if you don't get it" so be prepared for that.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
my plan is cool too :(
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I was only joking about the pencil thing. Anyway, let 'em have a taste of their own medicine. Or just mindfuck them.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
my tactic as always been to have thick skin and not be a bullied person
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Hey, some people aren't as thick headed- oops, I meant skinned- as you are.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Eternal, I get where you're coming from and sometimes just "dealing with it" is good but hurting them won't work and you'll get in a lot of trouble.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
the thing is if outwardly ur confident, u dont get bullied. bullies go for ppl they see as weak.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah that's true, cause they know they can beat them. Always act confident and just better then them.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I don't get bullied as often anymore because most people think I'm a rich scary foreigner. I let them believe that, and I don't get bullied. On the other hand, I also have no friends, so there's that.
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Yeah, the easiest way to stop a bully is to make them feel like an idiot... Act better than them, be confident, make them feel like a loser and they will genuinely stop... Just be careful to not become a bully yourself