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silvermyth · 7 years ago
But what about the people in China? I agree; we need to stop outsourcing, but we must do it in a way that we aren't just abandon the Chinese people.
deleted · 7 years ago
See that's the thing. Much like North Korea. China has had rebel groups pop up in the past 10 years. Most notably last year when a student was arrested for protesting. The chinese government is painfully corrupt. But they fear monger. And the groups that do not support the givernment get silenced and their facts get suppressed by the national media. If sometjing were to trigger the people into a full force revolution it would change china for the better. In south africa we have so many chinese immagrants who come here because of opportunity. They dont pay taxes here and get benefits. they tell us how much they want the givernment to fall.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
China has the highest net population in the world. It won't be easy.
metalman · 7 years ago
The president can't exactly make a law. He can purpose one that chines can vote on but he can't just make laws. Congress makes the laws and votes on them. The president accepts or vetos it and then enforces it and then the judicial branch checks the law to make sure it's constitutional and enacts the law.
deleted · 7 years ago
An executive order?
texasranger · 7 years ago
Yeah but the court and congress can overturn it
metalman · 7 years ago
No matter what trump or any president for that matter, do checks and balances exist.
geluregis · 7 years ago
They exist, but now we have a republican majority in congress along with a republican president. Unlike with the bad synergy Obama had with Congress, Trump will be able to do much more, to terrible effect.
deleted · 7 years ago
Read it.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I know why trump won, I just wish he didn't.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Geluregis is right
deleted · 7 years ago
Your lack of faith is disturbing. Yes intentional star wars quote for effect. Trump was a democrat before these elections for many years. And many of his policies were democrat. He simply used the republicans as a vehicle for his success. And it worked
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I don't care what party he's in, I just don't like the guy or his policies.
deleted · 7 years ago
So there's going to be some friction between his left-wing views and House and Senate's right-wing's?
metalman · 7 years ago
Absolutely there will be. The Republican party and trump don't share the same outlook and sure as hell don't see eye to eye. This congress will be pretty contested even though the Republicans hold the majority and the white house.
metalman · 7 years ago
Honestly, why the fuck are people so good damned bent out of shape over trumps presidency? I hadn't heard anything about the riots until tonight.honestly what the fuck people.
deleted · 7 years ago
This has nothing to do about the election, but how's your new job? Still working with metal?
metalman · 7 years ago
It's nice. Problem is they're hiring so many new people so quickly they're running out of bitch work to put us on so I'm sitting around not doing much. Yep lots of pharmaceutical grade stainless.
deleted · 7 years ago
Getting paid to do nothing, sounds neato man
metalman · 7 years ago
Until layoff season hits. That's why I'm bugging the piss out of my lead to get me more work. Also, signed up for the first responder thing so i can get further ingrained into the company making it harder to get rid of me if and when they start firing people.