All my trump supporter get in here!
by deleted · 47 comments 7 years ago
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guestwho · 7 years ago
Slow clap for @isuck479!
pokethebear · 7 years ago
Dude, I am so happy that you spelled it right once for me. It's like Christmas. Also your first comment is correct, it is time to reunify and fix this shit.
princessmonstertru · 7 years ago
News team.... ASSEMBLE!
eternal1 · 7 years ago
so i hope now that trump is elected, pc/sjw culture will be a thing of the past. wishful thinking, i know.
deleted · 7 years ago
No. I disagree. I hope it continues. I just hope now it becomes sane and what it used to be. I miss thinking feminism was good. I miss thinking that the people who claim theu were for social justice actually were. I'm proud to have been a liberal for most of my life. Now I'm a whatever the fuck. But definitely not right.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
pc/sjw culture != good feminism and good social justice. im talking about the freaks who go into stores and scream how theyre offended and shit like that
deleted · 7 years ago
yall see that video of the old dude getting his car stolen and beaten up because he voted trump?
eternal1 · 7 years ago
sjws are violent cancer
deleted · 7 years ago
Dude dem voters needa chill
guestwho · 7 years ago
guestwho · 7 years ago
Imma ice cube!
guestwho · 7 years ago
I'm Sam Jackson?
deleted · 7 years ago
I threw a tantrum? Yeah because I'm the guy that supports the side that burns american flags -_- and riots -_- . I rebutled your ignorance and arrogance.
princessmonstertru · 7 years ago
You guys, the majority of the people on that list have been on Trumps campaign long before the election! His job is to pull the country together. What do you expect "drain the swamp" to look like two months before he even holds the office?? Have you learned nothing about the media spin??? Time to think a little bit on your own.
deleted · 7 years ago
Shit sorry. Didnt see the link was CNN my mate shared the story with me.
deleted · 7 years ago
This is something to show to your libbie friends.