sirspacedino · 7 years ago
Also, I never realized everyone here was so Neo-Liberal and pro Hillary
deleted · 7 years ago
I'm not pro anyone.
I'm pro ready to kill myself
deleted · 7 years ago
I was more afraid of someone winning. Would have reacted the same way for both
dimebag · 7 years ago
But just imagine Trump is a fantastic president and proves everyone wrong
deleted · 7 years ago
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you
guestwho · 7 years ago
@sirspacedino I think it's probably more that so many younglings today follow and echo what's trending on social media and haven't been taught critical thinking skills. It's "cool" to hate Trump.
@aspy523, @dimebag, and all: I don't know what to expect from a Trump presidency, but I know exactly what Hillary would have given us. I've said it before: I didn't vote for Trump, I voted against Obama's third term.
I'd wager most on here are far too young to remember the 1980 election, but Ronald Reagan was talked about and treated the same way Trump has been, and even had many Republicans against him too. Reagan turned out to be a pretty OK president.