dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
I was working as a haunted house this year, and I was supposed to be a werewolf with a cone on his head sitting in the corner and not moving. It sounds awful (and honestly it was), but I was more so a distraction, so everyone would stare at me and not notice that they triggered an animatronic dog to jump out and bark at them.
So one douchebags (I assume he was around 10) was going through getting in people's faces and saying "got any money?" I heard him coming, and it was awful,
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
So sure enough, he stuck his ugly little head right into my cone and said "you got any money?" Little did he know that he activated the dog, and it jumped up and barked at him, and he SCREAMED like a bitch and ran off through the ride.
Karma is wonderful sometimes
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Karma is your bitch
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Whenever I'm sad or feeling down my son holds my hand and sings me my favorite song
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Not really a story but it makes me feel good haha
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Your son sounds adorable
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Yeah, he's alright ;)
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
The War Within finally dropped and the cinematic quest was damn near perfect and makes me crave more of that sweet, juicy, cultivated story telling.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
On my birthday this year my friends threw me a little party at lunch time, made me a cake, blew up balloons and despite our age we played musical chairs. They forced me to call my mum so they could thank her for having me, I cried from happiness that day. It was a good time.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Hope that helped in some way
deleted · 7 years ago
That did.
klymaxx · 7 years ago
My cat used to ALWAYS sleep on my stomach. She suddenly stopped and would lay at my side. I felt a little hurt that my cat was being less cuddly. A couple weeks later I found out I was pregnant(I think she knew). Once my baby belly started coming in she would curl around my belly kind of hugging it. When we brought my son home my cat immediately attached herself to him. She slept at his feet and tried to sooth him when he cried. We were bathing him one night and he was screaming bloody murder. Ripped chunks out of the door trying to get in the bathroom! When I opened the door she puffed up and charged me. I put my son on the bed to dress him and she jumped up, stood across him, and started hissing at me, which she had never done before. When I went to shoo her away she attacked my hand. She had never bitten or scratched me either. It took maybe 5 minutes for her to calm down and let me near my baby. Now she accompanies him on walks.
klymaxx · 7 years ago
She goes ahead of him to check for danger and walks behind him when we head back home. She's his guard cat.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
parisqeen · 7 years ago
That's so sweet! What an awesome cat
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Okay here's another one. This is about my Dad when he was young, so in Australia we're pretty chilled (well my family is anyway) we're pretty much allowed to do whatever as long as we don't get killed. When my Dad was 13 he told his parents he was going on a bike ride and they said okay....8 days later he still wasn't back and they were freaking out thinking he got kidnapped. Until they looked at the cover page of the newspaper where there was a picture of my Dad and 3 of his friends and the title was "3 Kids Bike Ride to Melbourne". Turns out he got bored, decided to go to Melbourne with his friends and they slept in old barns and houses along the way. Yeah my Dad wasn't allowed to go for another bike ride for awhile.
fruit_salad · 7 years ago
Once I was feeling sad so my friend wrote me every reason why she loves me on a piece of paper and why she valued our friendship