Is there any sportives amognst us ?
I need halp
by deleted · 8 comments 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
So here's the thing : I started to train and diet, I need to lose about 40kg (90lbs), I lost about 15~kg (30lbs) in October and I intend to do so in November too.
But the thing is I'm getting bored with my exercises, I do really simple stuff like running, push-ups etc 'cause I don't have the money to go in a gym or in a swimming pool, so if you have any exercise to recommand, I'd be glad to hear it !
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Ahh, being bored with exercises sucks, and your body will be getting used to them too. As weird as this sounds, as an ex swimmer I used to train at the local lake for an hour every morning. Or maybe try dancing, even if it is in your kitchen to the stereo/at a party etc. try incorporating exercise into your daily life that way maybe? Lots of local parks have exercise equipment set up like pull up bars or basic obstacle courses. Many army websites have training timetables that I would suggest reading, they're meant for people who want to do military training but still work for average people
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Oh and good luck!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah I get like this too (if you don't have money for the gym they usually have free trials so just go around to all your local gyms and use up the free trials)
Try running at different locations or get a training buddy, this helps a lot because you'll keep pushing each other to do better. Exercise wise, maybe try investing in some equipment like an Ergo or punching bag. Google a ton of routines and copy those. Make sure you're not doing your exercise in a small, dark room go somewhere open because atmosphere really does help. Good luck with losing weight, losing 15kg in a month is great! Keep it up
spazz · 7 years ago
If you want to lose weight, cardio is the only way to go; Cycling, skipping, running, climbing, swimming etc. Most people find theverything exercises boring, but if you find the right environment to do these in, it can be really fun. I'm lucky, because my local park has beautiful scenery to look at while running :P
spazz · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
Aye, thank you all for the advices !
I live in a shithole with nothing ahah, the only nice thing is the long run to the beach
You have any equipment yourself ? I don't know shit about those
spazz · 7 years ago
I just take a good pair of trainers, a hoodie and some gloves (it's cold here at the moment), some wireless headphones (as regular ones keep falling out) and that's pretty much it, in terms of running/climbing/skipping.