rosebud · 7 years ago
I know that everyone is at each other's throats but I just want to congratulate Donald himself on his victory and his supporters as well.
I hope you guys are happy, and that, for those of you that aren't extreme conservatives, I hope he addresses and solves every one of your issues right now.
I figured I should say this in light of a recent Seth Meyers episode where he said the same.
mickymouse · 7 years ago
Yeah, I suppose a congratulations to them is deserved. At the end of the day they banded together to vote for what they believed in and did it.
smokeythebear · 7 years ago
silvermyth · 7 years ago
They seem to be a united community, and I noticed that they never lost hope, no matter what scandal presented itself or was presented by.... Certain people.
aeacus · 7 years ago
My only problem with congratulating him is he wouldn't do the same. Does anyone remember how he acted towards Obama when he became president. Saying he wasn't a U.S. citizen and demanding his birth certificate and even after that was presented he still denied it. I'm just going to see how he works once he's sworn in.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Sometimes, we just have to do it, even if we get nothing, or worse than nothing, in return. It is common decency. Unfortunately, said decency does not seem so common nowadays. By anyone.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Besides, if the extreme conservatives can't bring themselves to congratulate us, we have to bring the niceness.
theodorerex · 7 years ago
Appreciate the maturity and sentiment of your thread here. I didn't support or vote for either major party candidate but it's my prayer that he leads for all America.