deleted · 7 years ago
Homicide still. Since homo is the first name in our scientific name and homicide means murder of a person.
chu · 7 years ago
no i think iz heterocide
deleted · 7 years ago
I mean that might be the systematic killing of straight people but one person would still be homicide.
deleted · 7 years ago
Looked it up Heterocide, it means killing something that isn't human. So unless you don't consider women to be human it's homicide
chu · 7 years ago
if i kl a penis bearer its a homocide
theodorerex · 7 years ago
Yeah, I think the police would beg to differ
chu · 7 years ago
if I was a women it woud be heterocider
theodorerex · 7 years ago
I need more detail
chu · 7 years ago
if I am a man and I kill a man i am homoicding. if i do th eheterocide its a man kliling a woman
chu · 7 years ago
damn my spelling
carbonatedwaffles · 7 years ago
No, ut isnt hetrocide it homicide bcuse we r homosapins
chu · 7 years ago
but i dun wana be gey
sassypotter · 7 years ago
No homo