dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
...Have fun?
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Haha good advice, I will thanks ^^
metalman · 7 years ago
Religious trip or just volunteering time?
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Volunteering, I'll be building a homeless family a house and be teaching in an orphanage
metalman · 7 years ago
That's awesome. Have fun
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Thanks! I hope I will
morganwinchester · 7 years ago
Don't drink the water! You'll be on the toilet for weeks! :)
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Haha, alrighty, good advice :P
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
Wow @parisqeen, this is AWESOME!!! I think you are very, very brave :) When are you leaving and how long are you staying there, if I may ask? How do you feel about it?! Next year (from August to November) I'm going to Congo and Burundi in some work-in-progress hospitals: I'm utterly afraid, but let's hope for the best! Anyway, I have never been to Cambodia, so unfortunately I can't help you, I'm sorry... But if you surf the internet you might find a few interesting websites!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I'll be there for about 2 weeks moving around to different villages. I'm going on the 10th of December and to be honest I'm pretty nervous. I'm excited for the help I'm going to give these people but also I don't travel much so it's a bit nerve-wracking.
WO! You're doing so much more then me, good on you! That is awesome! I can see why you're afraid but try to think about everything you'll gain from the experience, all the people you'll be helping. :) Haha, that's all good, I'm happy you're going to do something similar.
morganwinchester · 7 years ago
Also you are going to have SO much fun. I've been on a couple trips to honduras to build houses and it's so life changing to see how much we take for granted. Even with little things like shoes or a blanket or a clean shirt. If you're going to be around children, they LOVE bubbles generally. And the girls like ribbon a lot of times too!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I'm hoping it'll be fun, I think it's the experience I'm most excited for. The change in life style and perspective on things will be really eye opening. Thanks for the tips! I might bring some bubbles and ribbons along for the kiddos.