deleted · 7 years ago
How bad was the break up?
not_illegal · 7 years ago
It was kind of mutual. Next year he's enlisting and will be traveling all over the world and I'll be here for a little while longer. He just couldn't take that we were going to be seperated. And then there was the fact that I'm bisexual and his past involved another bisexual girl that cheated on him.
deleted · 7 years ago
I'd say talking about it helps and do stuff you love. Treat yourself because you're worth it.
unicycle · 7 years ago
It sounds like you've kinda already accepted that this relationship wasn't meant to be right now, so good for you! The next step is to just give yourself time to get over it. There's nothing you can really do to speed up the process, but just take time for yourself to do things that you enjoy. Buy your favourite treat and relax. Watch netflix, read books, take bubble baths. Eventually you'll feel like yourself again.
katnisseverdeen_ · 7 years ago
Give yourself time to heal. Don't try to make that process go by any faster, because you need to take your time. Do stuff you love, listen to your favorite music, treat yourself to a nice dinner and ice cream. Surround yourself with happiness and soon you will feel great again. The FS family loves you!
deleted · 7 years ago
Get over it. It may be harsh but it works. Heck i do it and I am only somewhat depressed and suicidal
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Try your best not to dwell, don't think about things that remind you of him, unfortunately it's all about time. Let your mind process this loss but think about the good things that came out of it and how you grew from it rather then what you're losing. Treat yourself like a queen, have bubble baths, eat your favourite food and try to distract yourself from any unpleasant feelings you might be having. Talk to your friends and us on FS, let anything out that you need to. It may take a while but eventually, you will feel better. You're no better or worse single or in a relationship as a person, just remind that. Good luck <3