If anyone needs to talk, I'm here.
by silvermyth · 53 comments 7 years ago
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parisqeen · 7 years ago
What's 8th grade? Is that the same as Year 8 in Australia?
And banana that really does suck and like Silver said you can let it all out here and we'll listen to you, regardless of your age feeling like shit is horrible. If you can try to talk to your mum, be honest with her, it may hurt but it would hurt her more if you ended up doing something to yourself. In times when your head feels all thick and cloudy and everything feels worthless try to put ANYTHING to do with suicide out of your mind. You have your family, friends (including all of us) who love you and appreciate you very much. Same with you Silver. As hard as it is right now it will pass, eventually it will. Maybe try seeking professional help? I'm no professional but I could try if you need it (again NOT a professional)
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I'm planning on being around for a while, things aren't that bad for me, but I despise school most of all.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
School's tricky, year 8 was my worst year but it got better after that, much better. Feeling like you have no friends makes it vey hard and I completely understand that feeling, now that I'm no longer in that place all I can give you is advice that worked for me. Mostly I just began talking small, little bits here and there with people, anyone. Then I started making proper conversation, finding out peoples interests, acting really interested in who they were and what they liked (even if I wasn't). I tried to make them feel like they were the most important person in the world, I treated them how I wanted someone to treat me at that time. Then I eventually started slipping into a group and talking to those people became easier and not so much a chore, I laughed and because they saw me happy, they were happy. They were eventually almost conditioned to feel good in my presence because that's all they ever were when I was around and so they wanted to hang out more. Then I was me.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Basically, in the US, traditionally, elementary/primary schools go from kindergarten to 5th grade. You turn 11 in 5th grade.
Middle/secondary schools are from 6th to 8th grade. You turn 12 in 6th grade and I'll turn 14 in March.
High school is 9-12th grades, or, in order: Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior.
I don't know what year 8 is, but if you tell me what age you become during that year, I can draw similarities.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Oh okay sweet, thanks, that makes a lot more sense. That's all pretty similar except you guys call it different things. I was 15 in year 8 I think but I was about 1-2 years older then everybody, so that's about right. We just have Kindergarten when you're a little bub then Year 1-12. Year 1-6 is primary 6-9 is middle and 10-12 is Senior. Then you're done.
rosebud · 7 years ago
I was....5 years old, I think, when I was in kindergarten.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Year 8 = 8th Grade
parisqeen · 7 years ago
So they are the same! Nice, I'm learning
deleted · 7 years ago
There's been a pretty big windstorm this week and my neighbor's tree fell on my roof and all the first floor is soaked af, I don't when it's gonna be repaired but at leadt I got insurance wich is nice lol
silvermyth · 7 years ago
At least you have insurance. Today, I had some more rage. My aunt and grandma live together right now, and we got a call from my aunt because my grandma's eyes were bleeding horror movie style. My aunt, being dumb as a box of rocks, didn't call the ambulance because it would cost too much money. I'm kinda mad about the healthcare system.
rosebud · 7 years ago
My mom is fucking killing me, I swear to god.
Today we're doing last minute cleaning in the house before thanksgiving. She called me into the bathroom three times telling me that everything I did with the toilet was wrong.
I was even using some techniques that she had showed me when she first taught me how to clean a toilet by myself and she started raising her voice and yelling at me because I was doing what she asked.
I don't do what she wants and she gets mad
I do what she wants and she gets mad
What do?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
That happens to me all of the time. Whenever it happens, I try, fail, and then leave. I just try to get the job done, even though it is over dramatic.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Okay! Yuki that really sucks but like you said you have insurance so that's great and thank god no body got hurt, so big bonus on that. Silver, your aunt doesn't sound like the brightest bulb, bleeding out of the eyes isn't normal obviously but it's not REALLY serious so as long as your grandma eventually got some help then it should be okay. Her health is not your responsibility though so don't worry too much. Banana that's super super annoying and I it would frustrate the hell out of me. The thing to do is as hard as it is, try to stay calm because when your mum is stressed and takes it out on you and if you react back she's just going to become more stressed so while this whole thanksgiving thing is going on try to just carry on, get what she wants done, be the bigger person in this situation. After tell your mum honestly how this made you feel, only when she's not stressed though and then figure it out together from there.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I've told my mom how much it bothers me, she just explodes again. Banana, does something similar happen?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Today, we went to a large hotel. My mum couldn't find the front desk, and so I suggested that it was through the other entrance. She freaked out, said I was challenging and critisizing her, before saying that if I was so smart then why don't I find it.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
She may have been stressed, were you travelling? But even so she shouldn't have reacted that way, that isn't fair on you. I feel like if this stuff is really getting to you, you should seek professional help. That way you have someone to vent to who will not only give her ways to deal with it but also someone you can talk to about how you're feeling that's physically there. I can try my best but I don't know your situation, I can be here though to talk to
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Me too. I may be evil, but I can be sort of helpful IRL!
rosebud · 7 years ago
I haven't talked to my mom about this
parisqeen · 7 years ago
You should do that then, it will be daunting but she's probably focusing on her own stress and so she doesn't notice yours, you have to talk to her about how you feel. Stay calm though so she doesn't feel attacked, just let her know your perspective and hopefully she'll understand.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
She always thinks I'm attacking her. Anyway, staying calm mighht work, but no guarantees.