nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
Details: She showers maybe once a week, wears clothes multiple times without washing them, clothes piled up in the floor, leaves food sitting out, shaves her armpits at the sink in the room and doesn't wash the sink out afterwards, won't take out trash, won't help with cleaning, bedsheets and blankets smell due to not being washed for about 3 months.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I live in a dorm room. Dorms are almost at full capacity due to 2 dorms just torn down. Small chance I could move out but it wouldn't be until middle of next semester. Room changes and moving in the middle of the semester is stressful on top of classes and a job. I have to live with her for another semester and I'm rather a neat freak. I like everything clean and organized and I need to address this but no clue how. We are not friends and barely speak to one another.
theodorerex · 7 years ago
Have you considered confronting her about any of this?
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I want to but don't know how. We've had 1 argument before(which is a really long story) and she's extremely sensitive and I just don't know how to confront her without her getting upset.
theodorerex · 7 years ago
Touchy subject. I had a similar problem my freshman year. I ended up confronting him about everything. Things were awkward for some time after that, and we never really became friends, but I knew we weren't going to be close anyway. After I confronted him, he stopped leaving hair in the sink and his stuff was relatively clean and he didn't let things get smelly again. If you're not going to be friends with her, but just have to tolerate her, consider just brining up the subject. If that's too uncomfortable, consider talking to your dorm advisor, they're used to playing the villain.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I didnt want to have to go to my RA or anything, but I'm going to attempt to confront her. I really need her to clean her side of the room because hall staff is doing room checks once we leave and they said both residents will be charged $50 even if just one side of the room is dirty
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
We're both about to leave for Thanksgiving by the way
theodorerex · 7 years ago
Now might be the time to do this then, because she'll have time to cool off after you tell her and y'all won't be around each other for a few days.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
Newsflash: she's actually cleaning right now without being asked.
I'm shocked.
theodorerex · 7 years ago
HEYOOOO! That's great!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah I think the best thing to do in these situations is just to confront her and talk honestly about what she's doing but make sure you talk about WHY it bothers you and HOW it makes you feel rather then list off everything she's doing wrong. If she's cleaning now then awesome! but don't let her start getting messy again or the problem will just keep occurring. What may work if she does it again, cause you mentioned she was sensitive, is rather then getting angry just get really upset about it, tell her that it's burdening you and she might reconsider her actions