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rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Well, not proper names anyways MY polar bear was 'Polee' and my panda was 'Pandee' etc.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
They were webkinz, so I had to name all of them lol
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Lol my seal was just "Seal"
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Haha, fair enough. I just hate naming things.
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Oh and I talked to my plushies. All the time.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Me and my sister would give all of our toys personalities
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Haha - YES! And I remember in grade four, I wrote a fantasy story and all the characters were based on my plushees.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
I never wrote about my plushies, but I certainly played with them enough!
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Haha - real life action!
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Ooh, I have all sorts of fucked up dreams. Remember that chat, anyone?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I killed my future self
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Damn. Did you kill yourself slowly and painfully? Did you feel the pain too? Did you kill your future self for the lols or like, were you evil in the future?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
This ks what happened. It was a very vivid dream.
A masked and heavily disguised person comes to my house. She knocks at the door, and I answer (bc dream me is an idiot) It's raining,there is fog everywhere, so I let the person in. No one else is at home. I fail to notice this persons swords. We walk into my basement, which is where I keep my knife irl. She challenges me to a fight to the death, or she will kill me and my family. So we fight, it's pretty intense. She slashes the back of each of my hands, which makes me mad. I have no weapons, she has two swords. Somehow, I get my knife and disarm her. I stab her eleven times in the chest. Before dieing, she laughs and tells me I know nothing.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I've had a dream like that too. Almost two times in a row now I've been killing one of my friends in the dream, it's kind of disturbing to see them the next day when I've just killed them.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Out of curiousity, I take off her mask. What surprizes me is that she looks like an older version of myself. I panic, and take off her gloves. I figure if there is anything I know, it's my hands. Remember how she slashed my hands with swords? Well, there are scars on her hands. I realize she is me, and with that realization, everything turns to glass and shatters. Then, everything turns into fog like the rain outside, and there is broken piano keys flying around and I wake up.
dailydoseofcute2 · 7 years ago
I was having kinky sex with my sister
spazz · 7 years ago
dailydoseofcute2 · 7 years ago
Outta all my weird dreams this ones the weirdest and not the one where everyone was out to kill me
spazz · 7 years ago
I barely ever remember my dreams these days :I
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Same, I either don't sleep long or I'm just too tired to remember