I can't feel anything.
by rosebud · 60 comments 7 years ago
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otamega · 7 years ago
When I feel apathetic or just plain nothing, I try to find things that are meaningful to do. I don't find things that are "fun" to do like play video games or watch movies bc it feels like a cover up for my feelings; instead, I try to do acts of kindness. I help out my mom around the house, I play with my nephew and nieces, or if I have some time on the weekend, I do volunteer work. It's so easy to distract the "void" but I try to fill it with "meaning" by doing things that would either help me or others.
deleted · 7 years ago
shit banana you're 13?
damn for some reason I thought you were like in your 20s or somethin idk
don't worry man, feelings come back eventually
I felt kinda similar around that same age at times but trust me it goes away
watch some real heart-rending movies or somethin
I got a whole list of good shit if you want it
rosebud · 7 years ago
I'll take it
rosebud · 7 years ago
And by the way, otamega, I realized that a long time ago. If a kid is depressed (not saying I am), then it's like "oh you're just a little bit sad you'll be okay". People basically are just saying that my feelings don't matter at all. I knew that feeling when I realized my own mother was doing it to me. It's exhausting, stressful, and I can't wait to get older so I don't have to take it anymore.
deleted · 7 years ago
12 Angry Men
2001: A Space Odyssey
99 Homes
A Clockwork Orange
A Few Good Men✅
American History X
Apocalypse Now
The Big Lebowski
Blade Runner
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Cast Away
Citizen Kane
The Crying Game
Dead Poets Society✅
The Departed
Donnie Darko
Dr Strangelove
First Blood
Full Metal Jacket✅
The Godfather
The Godfather II
Good Morning Vietnam
Good Will Hunting✅
The Green Mile
Groundhog Day✅
The Hateful Eight
The Help
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Kill Bill Vol. 2
The King's Speech
Lethal Weapon
Make Way for Tomorrow
Mr Nobody
The Nightmare Before Christmas
No Country for Old Men
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Requiem for a Dream
Reservoir Dogs
Schindler's List✅
Shutter Island
The Sixth Sense✅
Slumdog Millionaire
The Social Network
Sucker Punch
Taxi Driver
Tokyo Story
The Usual Suspects
The Walk
The Wolf of Wall Street
deleted · 7 years ago
Haven't seen all of these yet but I have them on a list for a reason, supposed to be really good
eternal1 · 7 years ago
eternal1 · 7 years ago
i knew ud like schindlers list ahahha
deleted · 7 years ago
Aaaaaand I've seen all these movies
I have a problem
deleted · 7 years ago
Dude Schindler's List was actually so good
otamega · 7 years ago
If y'all like depressing WW 2 movies, watch City of Life and Death. That movie will fuck you up.
Take care of yourself now. I was depressed for a long time, just waiting for the "breakthrough" of happiness where I magically wake up one day to be okay. It's a process. You work with it and as you change, so will this feeling of apathy.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Fun fact about space: if you fall asleep in space in a certain way, your carbon dioxide will turn into a bubble and you can wake up with a massive headache.
this is how I feel.
eternal1 · 7 years ago
i thot u didnt feel anything
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Hey banana, you're age shouldn't matter about how you feel for a start. From what you're describing you might have depression, I'm not saying you do and I can't diagnose you but you might want to search it up or see a doctor. The thing most people get wrong with depression is they think it means 'being really sad', which it isn't. Depression is feeling empty, you feel like you have almost no emotion except 'tired'. You can smile and laugh and talk and stuff but there's no feeling behind it, you're kinda just, there. Everyone's suggestions are really good though, give yourself lots to do, like that movie list, make sure you're sleeping and eating well and make sure you're talking to someone. You will get through this feeling, don't worry, we're here to help you.
rosebud · 7 years ago
see and I don't tell my actual family this because I feel like they won't listen to me
I'm at that point where I can accurately simulate joy so that if I suddenly said I'm depressed, no one would believe me.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah I get that, you have to remember though that you might be feeling that they won't listen BECAUSE of this feeling. They'll come a point where you can't even fake a smile anymore and all you are is tired and empty. You're not there yet which is great so you need to reach out to your family before that, reach out to anyone, you'll feel like a burden or like 'what's the point they won't listen'. Sometimes it almost feels comforting to be in the emptiness, cause it's so familiar. Don't let yourself get there. Try talking, you'll feel tight in the chest before doing it and maybe a bit weird after but it's SO much better to at least let them know you're not feeling too well in the head, they'll help you.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Thanks so much
chu · 7 years ago
Do homework. I get this feeling when I have stuff hanging over my head and I can't have fun because my work isn't done. But it's work that's not immediately due so there's no urgency but it's close enough that I should be doing it but I'm not so it's just bearing on me.
chu · 7 years ago
btw if your doc tells you you're depressed shove a broomstick up his weiner slot because if you're depressed than I'm six kinds of depressed and eight kinds of suicidal and seventeen kinds of self harm.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
No worries banana! Tell us how it goes. We're here for you bud x