tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
I can recall, in precise detail, when I was three of four, that i had airs to go grab books and read them. They were picture books of biblical tales, and I so happened to pick one up about Noah, And the dude who was thrown in the lion pit for praying. My parents noticed, and began to hug each other in admiration at my determination to learn and read.
However, they failed to realize one tiny detail.
I had no fucking clue on how to read, I was just staring at the book the way they stared at their boring word filled paper back books.
rosebud · 7 years ago
does anyone else have that memory from when they were like 5 years old of learning to climb onto stuff?
I still remember climbing onto my old blue leather couch
deleted · 7 years ago
Huh. Weird.
I can remember in somewhat clear memory the time my cousins locked me in their room and played a porn video.
By my standards today, it was fucking horrible
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
I remember trying to climb kitchen counters. I remember falling down the stairs, but one memory I recall, is that when I was 8 or nine I JUMPED from the top of the stairs of an old house I used to live in all the way to the landing and didn't break anything. I only realized my foolish mistake after I had jumped, and began to windmill in panic as I not so gracefully landed on both feet with my heart feeling like it had stopped.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Well the brain doesn't start retaining memories until age 5 so that makes sense, stuff before then is probably just fake memories being created through photos or stories from relatives.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I think my earliest memory that I can remember right now, is playing in my pool in these orange bathers with three coloured flowers on them, I was 6 I think and my whole family was there. My dad was throwing me into the air and then I would splash into the water.
spazz · 7 years ago
I remember touching the fireplace when I was 3, and I had a small burn mark on the back of my hand
klymaxx · 7 years ago
My son remembers stuff from before he was 5..things I've forgotten and he reminds me.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
The synapses in the brain aren't fully developed before 5, but it is possible that fragments have been stored in the long-term memory, or he developed early but memories are VERY easy to tamper, manipulate and create. These are just facts btw I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong, you can believe whatever you want to.
klymaxx · 7 years ago
He was remembering things I had forgotten and never told him about so I don't think they were memories I created. He developed pretty early. He's freaky smart for a little kid.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
That might be the reason then, memories are so weird I love them
klymaxx · 7 years ago
The whole brain is so weird and fascinating
parisqeen · 7 years ago
It's incredible! That's why I love it so much and want to study it so badly