dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
May I ask what the nightmare is?
aeacus · 7 years ago
Freddy kruger
thedarkknightess · 7 years ago
Oh no poor rose! This is terrible! I have a few questions for you. Has this ever happened to you before? Can you recall the content of what you're dreaming or is it just an awful feeling but you don't remember why you're scared? At which point during the night does your nightmare occur (not much after you fall asleep or during early morning hours)?
deleted · 7 years ago
I've been having continuous nightmares for like 4 months, I know that it really fucking sucks, I hope yours end soon
rosalinas · 7 years ago
Thank lore, I hope so soon
rosalinas · 7 years ago
They usually come after I fall asleep for about 1 to 3 hours cause they are so bad my heart is Luke beating crazily that I wake up
I actually have a thing like period of nightmare
When I have a period of time for like 3 months or so that I almost have the same nightmare or strange dream every night
The last night this happened wasn't so bad cause the dream was just a bit weird
But this time is different
There were people trying to kill me
A demon made of my own shadow but I stand up and face it and get over it
My father thinks I'm crazy and pushed me away which is the worst thing
I can't recall any further
Even typing this got my heart best faster
Thank you all
I tried listen to some calm nature sounds and it helped me have a good dream
But I know the nightmare will come back
They always come back
Gosh I sound hella dramatic
unicycle · 7 years ago
Try drinking some relaxing tea (like chamomile) before bed. Right before you get in bed, do a few minutes of meditation. Calm your mind, focus on your reality (i.e. the feel of your butt on the floor), and breathe deeply and naturally. Get in bed, and think about what you want to dream about. It helps to build a narrative; for instance, I have an ongoing story in my head about being an elf in the Lord of the Rings universe, and every night when I'm trying to fall asleep I continue the story. If you want to put in more work, you can start trying to lucid dream, where you realise you're in a dream which allows you to take control of the nightmare and turn it into something less frightening. Most importantly, remember that nightmares can't hurt you, and YOU control your mind - not the other way around.
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Watch what you eat in the hours before bed too. My son and I get night terrors..different than nightmares but whatever..and certain foods trigger them. Sugar, foods with msg
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Lucid dreaming is really good advice. I can semi control my night terrors simce learning how to lucid dream
deleted · 7 years ago
If you drink a lot of caffiene, don't drink any of it if you're going to sleep within the next 6 hours.
Don't have ANY blinking lights in your room ESPECIALLY if the light is blue
Sleep with a solid glowing night light if that helps. Don't be ashamed to use one.
Do something relaxing before bed. Read a book, watch a romcom, play with a puppy/kitten
Just make sure when you sleep, you are relaxed
parisqeen · 7 years ago
You might need to go to the doctor rose and get some sleeping pills to help you stay in the deep stag of sleep, dreaming is in REM sleep and if you don't get past that then you'll just wake up feeling really tired. Although pills is obviously when it gets REALLY bad but that's subjective.
Like everyone else said, try to calm yourself down before sleeping, if you go into sleep with this dream in mind and an anxious state you'll more then likely have it again. Put yourself in a safe place full of comforting and familiar things then close your eyes and start creating your own dream, full of good things and an awesome story and you'll slowly drift off hopefully into a calm state of mind. It's more then likely an outside problem is triggering these nightmares if they are consistent
rosalinas · 7 years ago
Update in my condition: I have been doing breath exercise before sleeping and listening to natural sounds and I haven't gotten nightmare for 3 days now
But last night I had a new dream that was like what happened before the big shadow demon in my last dream
It was quite fascinating tbh
But again, thank you everyone for your help
I appreciate you all so much.
deleted · 7 years ago
I appreciate you too
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Awesome! Glad you're getting better and I appreciate you too :)
deleted · 7 years ago
Where the hell is Dany when he is needed ?!
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
Try making sure you're nice and warm before you sleep. Colder temperatures tend to cause nightmares. Also, if they keep coming, sleep in a different room or - this is going to sound so silly - buy a stuffed toy and cuddle it to sleep. But don't be scared - calm your mind before you sleep. :) I hope you get better!
rosalinas · 7 years ago
@rayofsunshine I do have a lot stuffed animals to keep me companied
And yes, my best is very warm and comfy. Thankie :*
@yukihaki don't bother him, yuki
Danni is at his grading time so it's really stressful for him with all the works
I can handle this, with y'all help
And yea I do miss him a lot tho ;-;
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
I hope you sleep well! :)