deleted · 7 years ago
Lessening it won't help. She'll only get angrier....
deleted · 7 years ago
Dude that's fucked, if it's that bad a part of me wants to say swing back, but it's not right to, I think you just gotta deal until you move out, get good grades and a good job, be able to support yourself then you won't have to deal with her anymore
klymaxx · 7 years ago
I'm not sure about the laws where you live but it's illegal to throw out a minor.
metalman · 7 years ago
Id offer you my spare bedroom so you don't have to deal with that shit but i don't know where you're from and all that
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
That's terrible! Do you only live with your mother? May I ask how your dad is faring with all of this?
smokeythebear · 7 years ago
Under 18?
There is no legal age for when you can leave home. However if you are under 18 years of age and there is a:
Court Order which says who you must live with or
if you are on a Child Protection Order;
this may make it more difficult.
Further, if you do leave home before you are 18, there is a chance that Child Safety Services (Child Safety) may become involved if they believe you are at risk of harm.
In practice, this means if you are under 18 and Child Safety or the police are told/find out that you are not living at home, they will need to be convinced that you can care for your basic necessities of life. This means looking at whether you:
have somewhere appropriate to live
can adequately care for your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, medical, mental health)
have adequate supervision.
If any of these seem to be a problem, Child Safety will assess if your living situation is likely to cause you physical, emotional or mental harm, and then how great that
smokeythebear · 7 years ago
risk is will determine how quickly they will step in.
So the younger you are the more difficult it will be to convince them that you are able to look after yourself properly, especially if you are not with any responsible adult, like a friend’s family. If the police or Child Safety are not convinced that you are safe and able to look after yourself, they may apply to the court for a Child Protection Order (see below for what that means). It is also a good idea to think about what personal things you might need to take with you if you decide to leave home (such as ID, school records, clothing
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
I recommend seeing if you can get your grades up. If that doesn't work, dont mind it too much. Start looking for other options if the walls are starting to close in on you.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Abuse like that I think is classified as illegal, there are help lines and places you can call up to ask for help. I really think you should try that because they are there for people exactly like you, what your mum is doing is wrong and cruel.
I'm really glad to hear about how the bullying stopped btw :) great job,I'm proud of you.
Although it's temporary really try to focus on your school work so that you do get better grades and be well behaved, at least then she has less excuses to hurt you. It's likely your mum is doing this because she has problems of her own and doesn't know how to fix them so she's taking it out on you, this is still unjust and asking her about it would probably make it worse so try to get some outside help to assist her. You're not that far off being about to move out, you can move out at 16 if you get a note off your parents but I suggest not doing that until you can support yourself or have a foster family to go to. We're all here for you x
deleted · 7 years ago
Thanks guys, you are lit asf.
I have some friends I can meet up with, and see if I can live with them.
Again, thanks for the support.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
No worries! Hope it all works out in the end :)
auroreh · 7 years ago
Hope things are better for u kiddo stay. Strong! U will grow up soon! And get out!
deleted · 7 years ago
eternal1 · 7 years ago
call cps kid