tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Roll with the punches, and bounce right back at it. Don't get frozen from stress, that never helps.
rayofsunshine · 7 years ago
First of all: good luck, whether you need it or not! :) Secondly, just keep your head up high. After all, when it comes to exams and projects, the only way you can go wrong is by not doing it. Give everything your best shot, and you will succeed! I'm sure you're very capable and you will do amazing. Be strong and don't think about how much you have to do. Prioritise things and he things done one by one. Set daily goals and try your best to stick to them. Compromise with procrastination - and screw stress and turn it into a challenge. :) Talk about it with people. It helps! Good luck and you will be fantastic!! :)
parisqeen · 7 years ago
You got this bud, do your best in the moment and remember that eventually it'll be in the past and you'll be thinking back on it saying "I did my best, I put in everything I had and now I don't have to worry because it is done". As long as you put in all your effort, focus on one task at a time and prioritise you should be okay.
You are in control, you know what you're capable of, you'll push yourself as far as you know you can go, and in the end we'll all be here to support you after it's over.