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unicycle · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
If being an adult is tough, just remember that you do have to grow old, but you never have to grow up.
auroreh · 7 years ago
Suck in ur balls /titties it's -26C here! .haha with -37 windchill
unicycle · 7 years ago
Where are you?? Antarctica???
auroreh · 7 years ago
Far from it! The opposite actually. Canada! Haha
silvermyth · 7 years ago
That is -14 F, American friends like myself.
unicycle · 7 years ago
Yikes! Canada really is the epitome of "cold weather, warm hearts" though.
sm19 · 7 years ago
@auroreh these Americans complaining about -1 Celsius HA we are the superior ones. It was supposed to get to -35 today with the windchill but only got to -20. I just hate not being able to start the car in this weather. Were you affected by the storm this past week? It was ridiculous here. I had to shovel twice within a couple of hours on one day and then the next.
auroreh · 7 years ago
@sm19 yes we were effected we are saskatoon. Nasty. Cold not much snow though. Yes we polars!!
sm19 · 7 years ago
@auroreh damn man we are in Winnipeg! It wasn't really that cold what made it bad was the wind. I shoveled for almost two hours went back inside and had to shovel AGAIN after. I got such bad wind burn omg. You guys dodged a bullet!
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Hey, I'm not complaining. I just wish it would get colder.
auroreh · 7 years ago
Lol!! Gesh!! Well enjoy haha
auroreh · 7 years ago
@sm19 stay warm eh. This cold will get to u guys too yes love it when there's no snow hardly anyway hehe
sm19 · 7 years ago
@auroreh my mom ended up getting stuck on the perimeter hwy on the way to work. But some nice guy came and threw a chain on the vehicle and pulled her out. She turned back and went home and I don't blame her! You stay warm too - we're supposed to still be getting awful temps with this winter vortex. Just great :P
auroreh · 7 years ago
@sm19 just great yes those poor folks out in BC must be cold! It's coming yes polar vortex!
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
Yo uni today has been the warmest for like two weeks and it's only a high of -17c but with the wind chill and all that' stuff it's feels like -27c. Today for lunch I walked to the mall and I got a blizzard from DQ (the mall is like a 1 minute walk away) and on the way back I think I got frost bite on the tips of my fingers XD. It sucks to be a Canadian sometimes XD
sm19 · 7 years ago
@majestic_yumps I'm surprised you didn't get a Slurpee XD
majestic_yumps · 7 years ago
I was actually thinking about it. But the 711 is like 10mins away
unicycle · 7 years ago
Okay, Canada is insane. And I thought Sweden was cold - but then again I'm used to London, which is kept somewhat warm by all the fucking people.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Honestly, I think we could do with some cold down south here; but I don't think we'd be up to it.