deleted · 7 years ago
Smoke weed every day
klymaxx · 7 years ago
Reads this ripped on acid, hitting a joint, preparing to cap some molly...shit, where did my shrooms go?! Just kidding. I think occasional drug use is ok though...not heroin or coke though
deleted · 7 years ago
I thought Duerte did a real big number on the already apparent drug trade when he became elected.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Well, when you say you will kill users and dealers and pushers without distinguishing which is which of the three, then you stop doing drugs in the interest of your health. It also ends up letting some people off others in the (not always true) claim that they were a drug pusher.
celticrose · 7 years ago
But he is bragging about going out on his motorcycle looking for criminals to kill himself even just petty thieves and some are kids, to "show his officers how its done". He has promised that the rivers will run red and fish will grow fat from the bodies thrown to them. That's not cleaning up the streets, that is slaughter for the joy of it.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
One evil for another. Politics simple and plain. People wanted drugs off their streets, and they'll look the other way until it becomes worse enough to want Duerte gone.
deleted · 7 years ago
I agree that his method is too extreme. His approach is awfully dangerous with regards to civil liberties. His treatment of drug dealers seems only moments away from being dictated by hysteria in which individuals will be able to accuse innocent people of drug crimes with terrible consequences.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
He has basically stated he doesn't care about human rights as long as he gets to klll those who associate themselves with the drug trade.
chu · 7 years ago
And therein lies another problem: he doesn't make distinctions between those associated with drugs b
aeacus · 7 years ago
@chu what about pharmaceutical drug makers?
chu · 7 years ago
That's not recreational.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Scorched earth policy is brutal. Even more so when you don't mind piling corpses on the streets.
aeacus · 7 years ago
@chu ah I see. So really no reason why you hate recreational drug use? Do you drink
chu · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
All I have to say to this is.... Don't knock it till you try it...
chu · 7 years ago
Beer tastes like old wet cheerios. Wine tastes like moldy fruit. Smoke tastes like an allergy storm.
deleted · 7 years ago
I'm just glad he's not imposing his views on the world unlike a lot of country's. *ahem the whole of EU and Murica*. And the phillipines people really notice the difference, or that's what I've been hearing on facebook. Do I like the fact he's slaughtering people? No. But. It is what it is. We don't go after Saudi Arabia and stuff, why go after Phillipines?