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deleted · 7 years ago
May I have the other half?
carbonatedwaffles · 7 years ago
I have a large donger. It does the ding dong. At times, I click it multiple times to gain entry into my house. "Ding dong!" The donger says, echoing through the house. "Ding dong!" It says again, this time someone coming to get the door. As it opens, I realize quickly this isn't my home. "Into the bushes I go" I say as I jump into the bushes, disappearing entirely into the bushes, eventually becoming one with the bushes.
deleted · 7 years ago
carbonatedwaffles · 7 years ago
carbonatedwaffles · 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
carbonatedwaffles · 7 years ago
Ding dong.
deleted · 7 years ago
Knock knock?
deleted · 7 years ago
Hell yeah
deleted · 7 years ago
Have you ever played the wizard of Oz drinking game?
deleted · 7 years ago
Hey good for you man, it's cool that you don't drink underage
deleted · 7 years ago
You're welcome I know
deleted · 7 years ago
Cool beans
deleted · 7 years ago
I'll check out old interesting chats
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Anyone remember the kingdom chat?
deleted · 7 years ago
Kingdom chat?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Rate the top five people who should rule the kingdom of funsubstia
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Dude, that went on forever. It merged with the fridge enthusiast plot, and I started weiting a fanfiction about it but never finished
deleted · 7 years ago
Uh can I be a court jester?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Lets make new chat for it