deleted · 9 years ago
Nice but not a pushover. Stand up for themselves and others being bullied.
deleted · 9 years ago
Neither. I'm teaching them that they don't get to force their way on other people and they don't have to go along with it when other kids try to force them to play their way. My instinct is to jump in and protect them but they'll never learn to protect themselves if I do that...
texasranger · 9 years ago
I cant stand bullies i was bullied my self
poopookazoo · 9 years ago
I'd rather him/her be nice and a pushover (cause usually the two go hand in hand) but as he/she gets older, I'll teach them how to be a cold, callous badass with a heart of gold.
deleted · 9 years ago
I would teach them to be nice but also take them to self defense classes so they k know how to handle themselves