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deleted · 9 years ago
Try being social. It's hard for someone to know you're interested in conversation if you always keep to yourself. See someone that looks like they are in the same position as you? Chances are they feel the same. Or you know, do gishwhes and have an epic conversation starter, then everyone will want to be your friend.
meowkitten · 9 years ago
Thanks a lot for being here for me it means a lot. What bugs me is that i havent done nothing bad to them... but i gues that i only have to move on(ps:sorry for bad english im portuguese :3)
meowkitten · 9 years ago
*waves hand* HI POOPOOKAZOO :3!!
poopookazoo · 9 years ago
People are as fickle as autumn weather. Don't worry about those who don't realize your greatness but change your focus to people who will.
I'm having a hard time finding friends (well, ones I could trust) and just look at the brighter sides. There are 8 billion people in the world so I think the odds are in your favor.
texasranger · 9 years ago
Get off the internet and talk to real people. Just be yourself and you will make friends that truely matter the real kind not the fake kind
thethirdi · 9 years ago
How old are you? Most people start to grow up in the later highschool years, but it doesn't matter all that much when you hit college
texasranger · 9 years ago
It doesnt trust me but staying in your dorm all day is really easy go out and meet people
jensensbooty · 9 years ago
Hey man i'm in the same boat don't you worry your pretty head just hang in there
upsyndrome · 9 years ago
I don't think they're doing it to hurt you. I think it has a lot to do with your appearance. So if you look weird or odd, most likely people will probably avoid you. And also your body language and confidence you exude can make you seem more approachable. Plus you have to be more outgoing cause most of the time people aren't just gonna walk up and talk to you(unless you're attractive to them). And be sure to smile too :)
meowkitten · 9 years ago
thanks a lot guys
deleted · 9 years ago
Talk to cat lovers and you'll never be alone ;)
Gonna be serious now, have you tried talking to your classmates? If you're always isolated and alone they might think they'll bother you.
meowkitten · 9 years ago
I have , and i ve even once gave money for a group gif for a friend and they gave it whithout calling me .
meowkitten · 9 years ago
I will try to find new friends in my school. I'll be in a new class new year so i m going to meet new buddies :3 Thanks al.
poopookazoo · 9 years ago
Good luck, Meow! :D
meowkitten · 9 years ago
Thanks :* Meow
deleted · 9 years ago
My advice is to join a club outside of school, you get a fresh start!
deleted · 9 years ago
Hope this helps, good luck!
meowkitten · 9 years ago
Thanks :3
deleted · 9 years ago
chaboof · 9 years ago
if you have any skills, do them quietly in class, and do your absolute best. If I draw in class or display a funny drawing on my binder people come and talk to me and laugh about it. Kind of attention whore-ish but it works. So if your good at sports, be confident and do your best, etc.