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silvermyth · 7 years ago
I love folk music, I guess I just told you to skip because I showed it to my former friends and they laughed and changed to Justin Beiber.
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
Your former friends seriously need to rethink their life, that's the most cancerous singer by far
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Well, there is a reason that they are former friends. I hope they find something better.
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
Haha overlooked that detail
silvermyth · 7 years ago
So what do you think of folk music?
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
I don't like it much, haven't really listened to it either. I like pretty much just rock and not really rap but there's this one person on YouTube who's songs are amazing.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
I like folk but I don't think it's traditional, I love Mumford & Sons and Boy and Bear. They call themselves folk but it's not full traditional stuff
silvermyth · 7 years ago
It's good to know I'm not the only one who likes folk music
silvermyth · 7 years ago
What do you like?
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Me? I like a bunch of genres. Classic rock, jazz, classical, pop. My favourites are indie though and jazz.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Nice, it's hard to find someone who likes jazz.
moth · 7 years ago
im not huge into jazz but like
i appreciate jazz
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Same. I don't have any favourites. What folk songs do you like, moth?
moth · 7 years ago
now see thats a tricky question cause ill frickin list em i s2g
um literally everything in the Roud Folk Song Index
but my favorite favorite favorite is #430, Pretty Polly Perkins of Paddington Green bcuz im lame as fuck
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_folk_songs_by_Roud_number here the RFSI for no real reason
im also really into sea shanties
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Nice, I'll have to give them a listen.
moth · 7 years ago
there's.... a lot of them
moth · 7 years ago
l o t
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I'm so glad I found a fellow folk music lover. I also lile sleepsongs.
moth · 7 years ago
good shit gooood shit [insert row of emojis here]
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah I know right! There's not many jazz people out there, it's hard. There's even less bars where they play live jazz, I love that atmosphere so much