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shadowlord · 7 years ago
sounds good
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Nooooo Shadow lord, I claimed them as my new lab monkey!
shadowlord · 7 years ago
What i just want the soul you can do whatever you want with the corpse. Ill give you 3 other souls from the feilds for your lab
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Oooooooooo deal!
shadowlord · 7 years ago
Alright then let me just get the ledger
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
The ledger? Heath ledger? Oh, he'd be wonderful for my soul collection!
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Fresh out of the womb of anonymity and already hard at work. Dedicated, if not strange in his attempts of conversation, uncivil as they may be. Seems to believe some are to blame for certain events in their life. Unfortunately, all he amounts to is a comedy act. Pretty easy to string him along to make him say stupid shit.
shadowlord · 7 years ago
Okay then *takes out book, Writes some things down, hands you a flask filled with a few souls* pleasure doing business with you
shadowlord · 7 years ago
fair point tarot
klymaxx · 7 years ago
@tarotnathers13th That was beautiful. What poem is that? No, jk. Well worded though :)
shadowlord · 7 years ago
*claps* yes indeed it is
rosebud · 7 years ago
I think my favorite part was how they said they'd make our lives terrible.
Like, fuck off. You're one person against an entire website. No one's afraid of you.
shadowlord · 7 years ago
haha yeah they would have a hard time effecting *one* of us let alone all of us
klymaxx · 7 years ago
If you read through the comments on the post you'll notice a guest said " After all you Fucking ass holes torn ME to pieces I came back from the dead and am waiting to use your lives as my next thangiving decorations. Oh what fun we'll have fuckers." Then a little while later salumarr commented " You all fuckin fuckers bullied when SHE tried to be fuckin nice now you cunt ass hoes have yoyr worse nightmare you bitch ass cunts.." blah blah blah It's totally the same person. Maybe they're saying she commit suicide metaphorically
shadowlord · 7 years ago
huh yeah i noticed the same thing but i never put much thought into this
shadowlord · 7 years ago
however all in all this has been an eventful day
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Our eventual Robot Overlords have the best poker face apparently.
shadowlord · 7 years ago
not even gambling is safe. Where will they draw the line
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
That's the ironic thing, not even the professional poker players knew where the AI was going to draw the line.
shadowlord · 7 years ago
Yeah that's true