Where are you guys from?
by deleted · 69 comments 7 years ago
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releasethekraken · 7 years ago
That's nice!I was thinking of starting university there,but I changed my mind
spazz · 7 years ago
Hertfordshire Uni is really good, I got to spend a week there when I did my NCS :)
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
I know it is,but I've always been in love with Scotland,so I've applied for unis there already!What's NCS?
spazz · 7 years ago
National Citizen's Service, it's like a course/adventure camp that gets kids around my age to start fundraising projects for charities of their choice (I did my 10k fun-run this way) If you're successful, you get a certificate signed by the PM of UK.
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
That's awesome ^_^ did it go well?
spazz · 7 years ago
Ye, got me certificate, and my group was also featured in a local newspaper :)
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
That's impressive,I hope you had fun as well
spazz · 7 years ago
Yeah, I did. Made me feel like I did something that summer lol.
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
I'm happy for you then
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Goob jod
deleted · 7 years ago
Tulsa Oklahoma....man compared to everyone else's answer mine sucks donkey balls
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
Why does it suck?don't you like it there?
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Why donkey balls specifically?
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
Another excellent question
deleted · 7 years ago
Idk it's just so underwhelming compared to everyone else's
releasethekraken · 7 years ago
The truth is that I don't like where I live in Greece either
deleted · 7 years ago
Yeah but Greece is still Greece... If that makes any sense, and rwby people all over the US travel to Florida all the time, no one comes to Oklahoma with a reason
deleted · 7 years ago
Freaking tourists are the worst. Honestly, Florida is a cool place and all, but the travelers are terrible
deleted · 7 years ago
Once you've lived in Florida for a while, you can always point out the tourists. Ya know, the ones that coat themselves in a ton of sunscreen, or drive at 5 mph in a school zone (20 mph)
deleted · 7 years ago