releasethekraken · 7 years ago
I've always had long hair so I have no advice on taking care of a pixie haircut!But you can ask the hairdresser about ways of maintaining and styling it!Good luck
parisqeen · 7 years ago
YES! I have one so I can tell you allllll about it. People make it out to be some massive decision that's going to change your life, it's not. It did make me feel SO much more like myself and more confident though.
Taking care of it is pretty much the same as long hair, shampoo and condition, brush it. You'll notice how little time this takes and how nice it is to feel your own hair, I tend to skip conditioning but that's also because my hair is naturally pretty oily so I don't need it as much. Styling depends on your type of hair, I don't style mine but that's also because I'm lazy. It doesn't take long if you want to style it though. What type of hair would you say you have?
parisqeen · 7 years ago
And what type of pixie cut are you getting? Some people presume there is only one style but you soon find out every time you go to the hairdresser that there are endless possibilities. It's so much fun
katnisseverdeen_ · 7 years ago
Wow thank you for your reply! Awesome to hear you feel more confident now. I have quite thick hair, but it's thinner at the top, and it's straight. I have a few pictures of some styles I like, but I have a long oval face so I'm thinking of like some side bangs. But I will definitely ask my hairdresser for advice!
parisqeen · 7 years ago
That sounds like the perfect hair for a pixie cut, you'd have real issues if it was curly. Yeah it did make me feel more confident, because your face is so much more visible and your hair revolves around your face rather then your face revolving around your hair. You have to act confident even if you're not, pixie cuts always make you look like you know what you're doing (but they're always adorable) Side bangs would look nice! I had my pixie cut quite long on my first cut (I soon realised I needed to go shorter because it looked ridiculous), it may take you a couple of cuts until you finally reach a length and style you are comfortable with. I would suggest trimming the sides pretty short, leave the back a little bit longer but thin it out then leave enough at the top to style (about a finger length). Your hair dresser will not what to do though, don't be afraid to tell them EXACTLY what you want.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
For styling I use a mixture of products from gels and mousses to powders. I suggest the brand REDKEN, there's a hair spray I use that makes your hair relatively stiff so it's easy to create that "messy" hair look. There's also a mattifying hair powder that you just put in your roots and it poofs up your hair. Any mousse would also work though, you don't need to pay heaps to have good hair. Word of warning though, this is from my experience so it may not happen to you, I have been mistaken for a boy before and some people will presume because you have that cut you're a lesbian (that was fine for me cause I'm pan) but this has only happened a couple of times. It's the minority but just be ready for anyone like that, don't let comments like that get to you. Honestly I just laugh and brush it off. I think that should be all though, please tell me how it goes and if you need anymore tips cause I'm happy to help :) Good luck and have fun with it!
katnisseverdeen_ · 7 years ago
I just got home from the hairdresser, and I LOVE IT! It's exactly what I wanted and I was shocked at first but when I started playing around with it I realized how good it looks. Thank you for recommending me those products, I will definitely take a look at them!
Being mistaken for a boy or lesbian doesn't really bother me! I'm not really a girl but also not really a boy and I'm still figuring out my sexuality. So whenever people think I'm gay or a boy, I kinda (try to) take it as a compliment ;) But thanks for the heads up!
Thank you so much for your help parisqeen <3 :)
katnisseverdeen_ · 7 years ago
I just got home from the hairdresser, and I LOVE IT! It's exactly what I wanted and I was shocked at first but when I started playing around with it I realized how good it looks. Thank you for recommending me those products, I will definitely take a look at them!
Being mistaken for a boy or lesbian doesn't really bother me! I'm not really a girl but also not really a boy and I'm still figuring out my sexuality. So whenever people think I'm gay or a boy, I kinda (try to) take it as a compliment ;) But thanks for the heads up!
Thank you so much for your help parisqeen <3 :)
parisqeen · 7 years ago
No problem! I'm super happy you love it, pixie cuts are so much fun. They really do make you feel more like yourself, even if you're still figuring out your identity (and personally I find they make you more attractive). Enjoy your awesome new hair!