diyrogue · 7 years ago
I decided to post it here since last time I posted any art for critique it got deleted for being " not fun "
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Do you want feedback on all your art or specific piece?
diyrogue · 7 years ago
I guess all in general
parisqeen · 7 years ago
It's good! First of all a little disclaimer, I'm going to give you criticism, it's not all going to be compliments so be ready for that. I'm not going to bash your art but I am going to tell you some tips on how to make it better in my opinion, you can take my advice or not I don't mind.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
It's really nice, I like your shading and your style and you're very good at realism and expressions. However, you seem to stop half way, I think you could try adding some colouring or more intense shading. Also try scanning your art in rather then just taking pictures, it dulls the lighting and doesn't give it the best quality. If you scan you can also touch up your art on your computer. A part from that I think you just need to keep practising and improving your art, you've got potential. Try to really define your style and how you like to draw and what you like to draw. Well done and good luck :)