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rosalinas · 7 years ago
I just wanna shout right at their faces some thing like 'fuck y'all and your homophobic asses, I love girls too and my beloved is a tran, it's MY happiness, MY life''
But yk I can't...
I love in Asia too and that makes it even worse
rosebud · 7 years ago
Just know that it's not your fault. People are just...traditional.
rosalinas · 7 years ago
Some people are trash
You don't have to say it any less just bc she's my aunt
rosebud · 7 years ago
I wouldn't call them trash. It's not their fault. Some people just believe what they believe. Every generation has had the previous one's disapproval. I'm sure our parents were yelled at and argued with because of whatever they did in the past. It's just a cycle. We'll do it to our kids too.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Why not come to canada? Nobody will judge you here :D
parisqeen · 7 years ago
True, maybe move if you can. Just know that even though your aunt or others don't agree with who you love, it doesn't make YOU any less of a person and it doesn't reflect how YOU treat people. You always have us who accept you but if you feel safe right now you don't need to come out, if you do feel safe but might get a bit of disapproval from some people I'd say come out. It's up to you and you don't want to put yourself in danger either.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Even Canada has flaws. Did you hear about the shooting at the mosque in Quebec City?
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
Then come to new brunswick.
Silvermyth don't be negative in canada. I WILL EXPERIMENT ON YOU!
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
When the prime minister of Canada revokes your free healthcare
silvermyth · 7 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I love Canada. I'm saying if Canada is going down, we all are.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
But it'll stay strong, along with America and Mexico
geluregis · 7 years ago
You don't owe shit to your family, especially not to some relative. They don't have to know until you send the wedding invitation. Stay safe, and know your friends are always more reliable.
silvermyth · 7 years ago
You have no obligation to your family. You don't have to love them.
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
That's not really true, if they didn't love you or care they wouldn't take care of you or buy you electronics and other shit
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
So it's kind of spoiled not to appreciate your family for all they do. But reguarding like cousins and aunts I can understand that
silvermyth · 7 years ago
That's your immediate family. I'm talking aunts and uncles.
spazz · 7 years ago
Ignore your aunt, she's only bringing you down. These kind of people, even if related by blood, are just a form of negativity you don't need to take seriously into consideration.
deleted · 7 years ago
You can add me on skype and I'll confess my live for you and pretend I've been your girlfriend for at least a year.
I gotcha babe, I've done this before
communistcorrector · 7 years ago
@mightyoak yes please ;)
deleted · 7 years ago
Lol alrighty
Skype is mightyoaken